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改错(10分) 文中共有10处语言错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增...






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。

Of all my teachers, Mr. Brown is the one who impresses me mostly. Mr. Brown teaches us physics. Though he is in late forties, he looks very young for his age. And he is one of the most popular teachers in our school. Comparing with other teachers, he pays much attention to his way of teaching. He tries various ways make his classes lively and interesting. In his opinion, we should not only know “what”, but also understand “why”. So, instead of giving us answers immediately, he encourages us to think of ourselves whenever he puts forward some questions. Under his help, we’ve learned how to analyze and settle physical problems. How a wonderful world of “why” he leads us to! He is so inspiring a teacher that we all admire.


mostly——most late 前面加his Comparing——Compared much——more ways后面加to of——for/by Under——With physical——physics How——What admire后面加him 【解析】略

请阅读下列学位申请者的信息,从A、B、C、D、E和F 6个国家中为每位申请者选出最合适的留学国家,选项中有一项是多余选项。

1. Zhang Yuan has passed the IELTS and hopes to go to a foreign country for further study with easier access to visas and international environment, regardless of the tuition fee.

2.Wang Ying doesn’t have so much money and wishes to study art at a university in a foreign country as an international student.

3. Li Ming would like to take on campus part-time jobs while studying in a foreign country and wishes to go on staying in the country after he finishes studying there.

4.Li Hong can afford a tuition of about 200,000 yuan. She wishes to study in a foreign country with good climate and wishes to go on staying in the country after she finishes studying there.

5.Zhang Hua has passed the TOEFL and GRE. He wants to have more chances of getting scholarships to study in a foreign country.

New friends, Fresh lifestyle, Better career opportunities… Those are attractions of overseas study for young people in China. “Start early, finish strong.” Some of them say.

More than 300 universities from 27 countries and regions were represented at last weekend’s international education exposition (展览).

A.The US

The US has always been on the top destination list for Chinese students,with its high education standards and enough scholarships.

Good news: It’s easier to get a US student visa nowadays. Last year, the refusal rate was only 20 to 30 percent, much lower than a few years before, according to US Embassy.

Concerns: There’re a lot to prepare. The TOFEL, GRE…It’s longer time to apply to US universities than schools in the UK or Australia.

Useful link: www.Usembassychina.org.cn

B.The Netherlands

Tulips, windmills and wooden shoes:this was the image that once drew tourists. But Holland has more to offer.

Good news: From 2005, Holland and China started recognizing each other’s education certificates. And from 2006, the government provides 4 million euros (欧元) for scholarships to Chinese students every year.

Concerns: Not many Chinese know about Dutch education. Speaking Dutch sounds not easy.

Useful link: www.nesobeijin 9.com

C.The UK

Easier access to visas and international environment are the UK’s great attractions for Chinese students.

Good news: There are many new scholarships this year, both from the government and universities, such as the Scotland International Scholarship.

Concerns: Money. It’s expensive to study in the UK, with an average cost of 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a year.

Useful link: www. Educationuk.org.cn


Canada’s multicultural environment is good for students’ studies and careers.

Good news: Students are allowed to take on campus part-time jobs during their studies from last year. It’ll help pay living expenses. Students can get two-year work permits after graduation.

Concerns: Only a limited number of scholarships are available. They rarely cover the full cost of a study programme.

Useful link: www.studycanada.cn

E. Italy

Italy is getting a lot of attention this year in China.With the China-Italy Year. Its art, culture and fashion appeal to many students.

Good news: China and Italy will recognize each other’s educational certificates soon. Its government-funded universities are tuition free to international students.

Concerns: The language is a problem. Most classes are taught in Italy.

Useful link: www.studyinitaly.cn

F. Australia

Good climate, high quality education,favorable immigration policy: these make Australia one of the most popular choices among Chinese students.

Good news: A new E-visa policy ensures a quick application process (four weeks compared with l2 weeks before).

Concerns: Tuition fees have risen in past years. The total cost is about 200,000 yuan to attend a university located in big cities like Sydney or Melbourne.

Useful link: www.studentsidp.com



Street art can be found on buildings, sidewalks, street signs and even trash cans from Tokyo to Paris to New York City. This special kind of art can take the form of paintings, sculptures, cloth or even stickers (张贴物). Street art has become part of a global visual culture. Now, even art museums and galleries are collecting the works of street artists.

It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement. This kind of art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world. Also, because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission, street artists usually work secretly. This secretive nature of street art and its countless forms make it hard to define exactly. And people have different opinions about the movement. Some think street art is a crime and destroys property. But others see this art as a rich form of non-traditional cultural expression.

Many experts say the movement began in New York City in the 1960s. Young adults would use paint in special cans to spray their “tag” on walls and train cars around the city. This tag was a name they created to identify themselves and their artwork. This colorful style of writing is also called graffiti (涂鸦). It is visually exciting and energetic. Some graffiti paintings were signs marking the territories of city gangs or illegal crime groups.

Graffiti also became a separate movement expressing the street culture of young people living in big cities. Graffiti art represented social and political rebellion (叛逆). This was art that rejected the accepted rules of culture and power. These artists could travel around areas of the city making creative paintings for everyone to see. Sometimes this street art created a conflict between artists and city officials. Graffiti artists created their images and city officials quickly painted over them.

During the 1980s, two New York painters — Keith Haring and Jean Michel began showing their work in art galleries and museums. This is when street art started to become part of the more general popular culture.

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A.Street art has become popular and is accepted as a kind of culture.

B.Street art is very special compared with other forms of popular art.

C.Many people are beginning to learn street art.

D.Street art is better developed in big cities than in rural areas.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.“TAG” was a word created by people to distinguish street artists and the other artists.

B.There are three reasons explaining why it is hard to define the history of street art.

C.The movement of street art began in the 1980s in New York City.

D.All the people don’t think that the street art is a rich form of cultural expression.

3.The city officials used to get rid of graffiti probably because _____________.

A.they caused arguments between people

B.they were ugly in someone’s eyes

C.they were not painted under proper guidance

D.they didn’t express traditional culture



Weather Report

(8:00 a.m. December 17—8:00 a.m. December 18)

Influenced by a cold front northern Xinjiang, the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the northern and eastern parts of Heilongjiang are expected to experience light snow today. Drizzle (小雨) is forecast for most areas of Sichuan and western coastal areas of South China. Northerly winds of force 4-6 are expected to affect western and southwestern Inner Mongolia, and most parts of Northeast China while northerly winds of force 5-7 will sweep across the Bohai Sea, the northern parts of the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, the Taiwan Straits, and the central and northern parts of the South China Sea.

Weather forecast for major Chinese cities





















































Hong Kong







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1.According to the weather report, we know it doesn’t rain in many areas except ______.





2.From December 17 to December 18, if you go to ______, you may be caught in the snow.

A.Northern Xinjiang and Tibet

B.Sichuan and South China

C.Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang

D.Qinghai and Sichuan

3.On December 17, the East China Sea will be swept by ______.

A.a cold front

B.light snow

C.northerly winds of force 4-6

D.northerly winds of force 5-7

4.The temperature in Harbin Min(℃) is ___ lower than that in Guangzhou Min(℃).







MONTREAL--He may be the world’s richest man, but that didn’t prevent Bill Gates from falling for an April Fool’s day joke by two Quebec radio comics (喜剧演员) pretending to be Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien.

Montreal French-language station CKMF--FM said last Wednesday that staffers (工作人员) Marcantoine Audet and Sebastien Trudel had a 10-minute telephone chat with Microsoft Corp boss Gates on April 1.

The broadcast was aired on their nightly show last Tuesday and repeated last Wednesday.

“We were happy. We had been calling Microsoft persistently (坚持不懈地) for four weeks,” Trudel said.

Trudel said he and his colleague had already fooled Canadian pop singer Celine Dion and Formula One (一级方程赛车) driver Jacques Villeneuve on their show.

“This time, we wanted to give ourselves a challenge with somebody more difficult to reach,” Ttudel said.

He said he was surprised that Gates’s assistants did not check to see if it was really the prime minister’s office on the line.

Trudel said they imitated (模仿) Chretien’s heavily accented English, talking about the economy, asking about Microsoft’s Windows operating system and inviting the multibillionaire to visit a well-known Montreal strip joint (运动服合资企业).

The radio host said that Gates was not amused by the fake interview.

“He did not seem angry but he did not find it so funny,” the comic said.

1.Bill Gates was fooled mainly because ______.

A.his assistants were not careful enough

B.the Canadian Prime Minister helped the two comics

C.the two comics imitated the Canadian Prime Minister so well

D.it was April Fool’s Day

2.We can conclude from the passage that the two comics ______.

A.liked to fool famous people on their show 

B.thought that Gates was not a great challenge to them

C.had a good knowledge of Bill Gates and his Windows operating system

D.were not quite satisfied with their tricks

3.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.Gates ‘April Fooled’

B.Two Comics and Their Tricks

C.Two comics and Their Show

D.A Fake Interview



As a rule, you can borrow only two books ______ in the library.

A.at one time

B.at a time

C.in no time

D.at times



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