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Expo 2010 Shanghai China __________ on b...

Expo 2010 Shanghai China __________ on both banks of the Huangpu River in the city of Shanghai, China, from May 1 to October 31, 2010.

A.is being held

B.is holding

C.will hold



A 【解析】略



Going to a Britain school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain  31  school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour  32  than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.

On the first day, all students went to  33  assembly. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diane. We  34  became best friends. During  35 , the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to  36  respect from the school was to work hard and  37  high grades. This sounded like my school in China.

My English improved a lot as I used English every day. I usually went to the Computer Club at lunch time, so I  38  e-mail my family and friends back home  39  free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings.  40  was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. 

31. A. because    B. if           C. so                D. though

32. A. earlier     B. late         C. early              D. later

33. A. join          B. hold       C. attend           D. make

34. A. just          B. now        C. soon             D. fast

35. A. assembly   B. class      C. meal             D. break

36. A. take                B. earn        C. find              D. creat

37. A. realise      B. achieve   C. improve        D. develop

38. A. must        B. should    C. needed                 D. could

39. A. for           B. in           C. on                D. with

40. A. Eating      B. Cooking   C. Learning       D. playing



书面表达(满分 15 分)

假如你是李华, 你的网友Liz最近因为即将到来的考试压力大而感到紧张,疲劳,饮食不良,请你给她发一封e-mail,提出了一些建议,希望她尽快好起来.

要   点:1. 对考试持有正确的态度

2. 学会放松,积极锻炼

3. …

注意事项:1. 根据要点适当展开,并有自己的建议。

2. 文章开头已经给出,但不计入总词数.

3.   词数100字左右。

Dear Liz,

From your e-mail I get to know you don’t feel very well because of the coming exam. I think









Best wishes!


Li Hua



单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分, 满分 10 分)

1.You must ask for p_________ before taking any photo inside the museum.

2.John’s brother e_________ his living by writing stories for the local newspaper two years ago.

3.If you want to go on a diet, you’d better c________ a doctor.

4. Youth should show r______ for the old.

5. If you m____ red and yellow, you get orange.

6. As a famous singer, he is always s________ by his fans.

7.She is u_________ her mother; she is slim and her mother is fat.

8.Time is l______. We need to be in a hurry.

9. ---- May I have your o____, sir?

---- Yes, please. A cup of coffee.

10.He doesn’t like to be v______. Instead, he prefers to solve the problem peacefully.



If you were a pilot flying a plane, and suddenly the engine failed, would you eject (弹出), or stay in? For a pilot, the choice is very difficult. If he ejects, he is wise, but the plane crashes. If he stays in the plane, he risks his life.

Recently, Chinese Air Force pilot Li Feng, 38, faced this choice during a training exercise. It was March 7 and he was flying a Jian-10 (Flghter-10) at 4,500 meters. A warning appeared on the plane’s computer screen. He realized the plane might fail at any moment.

Li Feng did a quick check of the engine and asked the base if he could return. When the fighter was 7km away from the airport, however, the engine stopped working. The plane began to fall at a speed of 25 meters a second from an altitude of 1,160 meters.

Under Air Force rules fighter pilots may eject if their aircraft loses engine power below 2,000 meters and can’t be restarted. Before Li lost contact with the control tower, the commander in the air base asked him to eject. But Li Feng insisted on having another try.

“I knew where the deadline (to abandon the aircraft) was and was prepared for the ejection, but I decided not to give up unless the fighter was totally out of control,” Li recalled during a recent television interview.

After 104 seconds, Li was able to bring the fighter to a safe landing. The plane only suffered slight damage.

“You are a hero! Congratulations!” Li’s teacher, Xu yongling wrote in a text message to him after the landing. He said Li was a cool-headed pilot and very professional.

Li’s brave and calm act not only saved the 200 million yuan aircraft but also gave him invaluable first-hand experience of dealing with an engine emergency.

For his outstanding performance, the Air Force recently awarded him a gold medal.

1.When the engine stopped working, Li Feng _________.

A.was flying a Jian-10 at 4,500 meters

B.saw a warning appeared on the plane’s computer screen

C.was still calm and cool-headed

D.was asked to stay in, but he ejected

2.When the fighter plane loses engine power below 2,000 meters, ___________.

A.pilots must restart it as soon as possible

B.pilots should repair it as soon as possible

C.pilots may eject for safety

D.pilots should bring it to a safe landing

3.Why didn’t Li Feng give up the plane?

A.Because he had no choice but to stay in the plane.


B.Because the fighter was not totally out of control.


C.Because he didn’t know how to eject.

D.Because he wanted to get a gold medal.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Flying the Fighter Correctly

B.When to Abandon the Aircraft

C.How to Deal with an Engine Emergency

D.Bring the Fighter to a safe Landing



In most situations, light helps us see. But when it comes to looking at the night sky, light is actually a kind of pollution. It prevents our view of some of life’s most striking sights: stars, planets, and even galaxies.

“When I was a little boy, I loved the night sky. I remember looking up and the sky was filled with stars. I became an astronomer because I was amazed by their beauty,” says Robert gent, “Now in most big cities kids can’t see the stars like I did.”

Normally, about 2,500 individual stars are visible to the naked eye without using any special equipment. But because of light pollution, you actually see just 200 to 300 and fewer than a dozen from some cities. Only one in three Americans can see our own galaxy (星系) with the naked eye. Those people live far away from the lights of big cities, office building, and shopping malls.

Fortunately, there’s an inexpensive and useful way. If we shine lights down at the ground instead of up into the sky, and use lower brightness levels, we can save big amounts of energy and keep the beauty of the night skies. Many cities and towns have passed laws limiting lights at night, making sure enough shine for safety without creating much light pollution.

Light pollution affects more than our view of the heavens and can harm wildlife. Migrating (迁移) birds sometimes fly over cities and become confused by the brightness, flying in circles until they drop from exhaustion. Sea turtles need dark beaches for nesting and won’t approach bright lights. Too much light at night may even affect human health. For all these reasons, researchers are working on ways to use light only when and where they are truly needed. Everyone deserves to look up at the sky.

1.According to the text, using our naked eyes, ______________.

A.people in remote areas can see more stars than those in big cities

B.over one third Americans can see our own galaxy

C.about one in three Americans in big cities can see our own galaxy

D.Americans can only see 200 to 300 stars

2.Many cities and towns have passed laws limiting lights at night mainly to _________.

A.save the electricity

B.make sure of cities’ safety

C.let you count the number of stars

D.avoid much light pollution

3.In how many ways will the light pollution do harm?





4.The underlined word “exhaustion” in the last paragraph means “_________”.

A.air pollution






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