满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The shop assistant promised me that the...

 The shop assistant promised me that the material ____, and what she said ___ to be true .

A.would be dried easily ; was proved

B.will be dried easily ; was proved

C.dried easily ; proved

D.dried easy ; proved


C 【解析】略

It is the fact _______ Jane doesn’t know Jolin is a popular singer ____ surprises us all.

A.which; which

B.which; that

C.that; that

D.that; which



Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future __________ to the well-educated.

A.is belonged

B.is belonging

C.will be belonged




Of all my friends,__________ is so diligent as Tom.

A.no one







从电视上看到美国正流行甲型HINI流感(A/HINI flu), 部分学校停课你(Li Hua)为你正在美国上学的笔友Jack的健康与安全担心。请立即给他写一封e-mail询问他的情况,并给他提出防护建议。

1. 提示:schools are closed; to stay away from the disease; Wash your hands; have more fresh air in the room; eat more fruit and vegetable

2. 词数要求:100字左右





You may feel curious about students in other countries: Do they also have so much homework? 61.他们在课余时间做些什么事儿呢?

On April 8, a report came out on the lives of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 students from the four countries last year. You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report.

Who studies hardest?

62. 中国学生把他们的绝大部分时间花在学习上。Nearly half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day. That’s much more than students of the US (26.4%), Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).

Who sleeps most often in class?

63. Japanese students fall asleep in class most often. About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off (打瞌睡) in class. In South Korea, it’s 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.

South Korean students don’t like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, many fewer than in Japan (93%), China (90%) and the US (89%).

Who is the most distracted (分心的)?

64. American students are the most active in class, but also the most distracted: 64.2% said they chat with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks in class; and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated books in class.

What do they do after school?

65. In their spare time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese students do physical exercises. Most Korean students watch TV.

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