满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---- Mummy, can I go out for a play for...


 ---- Mummy, can I go out for a play for a while?

   ---- Yes, if you _______. But make sure you come back before 8:00.

A. shall    B. will    C. must    D. could


C 【解析】


The French president said that it was ______honor to visit China, _______ country with ______ rich culture.

   A. 不填; 不填, 不填     B. an; a;a     C. 不填; 不填; a     D. a; an; 不填




----- Would you mind if I put my book here?


A. Yes, go ahead     B. No, you’d better not   C. I’m sorry, but yes       D. I’m afraid not



人们完成工作的方式通常有两种: 独立完成和合作完成。两种方式各有特点。请你以此为话题,按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:

1. 独立完成:自行安排、自己解决问题。

2. 合作完成:一起讨论、相互学习。

3. 我喜欢的方式和理由。



         Working Individually or Working in a team

There are basically two ways to get work done.







Dear friends,

    I’m awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe earthquake

unexpectedly hit your hometown.     (面对) with such a rarely-seen 86.________

disaster, you remain so calm and strong-willed  _____ we are all        87. ________

moved to tears. A friend in _____ is a friend indeed. Thinking                 88. ________

about your _____(目前)situation, we can not wait a minute            99. ________

to _____ every effort to help you. On behalf of all my classmates,         90. ________

I, as the _____ (主席) of the students’ union, express our                       91. ________

most sincere pity and care for you. B     , we make a                            92. ________

donation of 120 thousand yuan to you,      (希望) that it can            93. ________

help you go through the _____ (困难). A better hometown                     94. ________

can be r     . Therefore, never give up whatever happens.                            95. ________

  Remember we won’t be far away when you need any help!

                                       Yours sincerely,




76.   Keep indoors and don’t  ____________(暴露)your skin to the sun.

77.   They have put f_____________ a plan for reducing the level of traffic.

78.   Considering that he was always a careful person, we decided to __________(采纳) his idea at last.

79.   _______ (除了) from school work, I spend my spare time in singing and angling.

80.   Scientists foresee that bird flu and other epidemics will be w________ out with the development of science and technology.

81.   Most disaster experts believe that there is _____________ (潜在的可能性 ) that things could get a lot worse.

82.    Yesterday I rented a f_____________ apartment, so I didn’t have to buy any desks or chairs.

83.   Because the natural disasters occur at random times, it is difficult to warn people in a___________.

84.   However, learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the a_________ of a native language environment.

85. More and more people think that nature __________ ( 值得 ) our protection because we ourselves depend on it to live our lives.



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