满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,...

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age.

One fairly interesting event happened when I was eight. As a kid, I was always climbing trees, poles, and __31__ around upside down from the rafters (房梁) of our house. So, it __32__ to no surprise for my dad to __33__ me at the top of a 30-foot tree swinging back and forth. Without realizing the tree could break or I could get __34__, I just thought it was__35__ to be up so high.

    My cousin, Tammy, was in the same tree. She was hanging on the first big __36__ about ten feet below me. Tammy’s mother also __37__ us at the exact time my dad did. About that time a huge gust of wind came over the tree and I could feel the tree begin to sway. I remembered my dad’s __38__ over the wind yelling, “Bart, __39__ on tightly.” So I did.

    The next thing I know, I heard Tammy __40__ at the top of her lungs, __41__ flat on the ground. She had fallen out of the tree.

    I came down the tree to __42__. My dad later told me why Tammy fell and I didn’t. __43__, when Tammy’s mother felt the wind, she yelled out, “Tammy, don’t __44__!” And Tammy did do that.

    My dad then __45__ to me that the mind has a very __46__ time dealing with a negative image. In order to deal with the __47__ of not falling, Tammy’s brain had to first imagine falling, and then tell the brain not to do what it just imagined. However, my eight-year-old brain __48__ had an internal image of hanging on tightly.

    This “Self-Talk” is especially useful when you are __49__ to break a habit or set a goal. You can’t imagine not doing something in your mind. The only way to accomplish it is to find a word for what you want to do.

    I’m now a pretty good football player, because all my internal dialogue is __50__ and encourages me to win. All this I owe to my dad.

1. A. walking       B. hanging          C. fooling      D. playing

2.A. got                B. turned               C. came         D. led

3.A. meet           B. admire               C. forbid           D. find

4. A. trapped           B. hurt             C. teased           D. scolded

5. A. fun               B. tense                C. scaring      D. dizzy

6. A. root          B. trunk                C. branch           D. tree

7.A. warned         B. joined               C. watched      D. noticed

8. A. sound         B. voice                C. wave         D. laughter

9. A. hold          B. come             C. go           D. insist

10.A. whispering        B. laughing         C. screaming        D. singing

11. A. lying            B. sitting              C. standing     D. looking

12. A. anxiety          B. safety               C. thrill           D. sympathy

13. A. Apparently       B. Unbearably       C. Vividly      D. Unbelievably 

14. A. move         B. jump             C. fall         D. sway

15. A. apologized       B. admitted         C. referred     D. explained

16. A. difficult            B. awesome          C. precise          D. special

17.A. fear          B. command          C. reward           D. possibility

18. A. deliberately     B. constantly           C. gradually        D. instantly

19.A. failing           B. attempting           C. managing     D. hoping

20.A. negative      B. subjective           C. positive     D. vague


1. B    2. C    3. D    4. B    5. A    6. C    7. D    8.B9. A 10.C 11. A   12.B    13.A    14. C   15. D 16.A  17. B   18. D   19. B   20.C 【解析】略

Not until he met with the difficulty _______ the importance of group work.

A. he realized          B. did he realize       C. realized he          D. he didn’t realize



Mary got the first prize in the National Math Competition, ________, for sure, delighted everyone.

A. who              B. that                 C. this                 D. which



______ he had broken the record, he would be a world-famous runner now.

A. When             B. Because          C. If           D. Though



—Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed in Mexico last summer?

—No, it _______ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.

A. has rained           B. had been raining     C. rained               D. has been raining



Why not stay at home ________ the road is so slippery after the heavy snow?

    A. in case              B. as long as           C. now that         D. even if



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