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短文填词 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) Changbaishan st...

短文填词 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

         Changbaishan stands in Jilin Province, northeast China. It is famous

for its thick forest, China’s largest _____________ (自然) reserve, which             1. ___________

is _____________ to wildlife. Every year, Changbaishan attracts tourists      2. ___________

from all over the world to enjoy v_______________ of unique rare plants     3. ___________

and animals. Besides, visitors to Changbaishan are also rewarded _______    4. ___________

the beautiful s__________ of Tianchi, once the crater of a volcano. However,  5. ___________

_____________ is no need to worry about the volcano, for it is a dead one.    6. ___________

The winter here is f________________ cold. The most interesting thing about  7. ___________

Tianchi is a beautiful story c____________ the father of the Manchu people,   8. ___________

who is said to have been born by a young woman from heaven _______ (沐浴)  9.__________

in the deep lake. The story is told to convey the message ______ the Manchu   10. __________

people are clever.


1. nature  2. home    3. varieties    4. with     5. scenery  6. there   7. freezing  8. concerning  9. bathing  10. that 【解析】略

根据汉语意思完成下列句子 (每空1分,共8分)

1. 如果没有发现透视法,现在我们就不能够欣赏到许多那个时代的名作。

If the rules of perspective                  , we                 appreciate many great masterpieces of that time now.

2. 第一批在户外作画的是印象派画家。他们被认为是“现代艺术”的开创者。

The first painters             outdoors were the Impressionists, who              the          beginners of what we call “modern art”.

3. 他多么希望自己是一个教育家!

How he wishes               .

4. 如果你能用电子邮件把文件发给我,我会非常感激的。

I                if you could send me the document by e-mail.

5. 成功不是绝对的,失败也不是致命的;勇气才是最重要的。(强调句)

Success is never final; failure is never fatal;                     .

6. 虽然到现在我研究火山已经很多年了,但是我对火山的壮丽景色以及它那潜在的巨大破坏力至今仍然感到惊愕不已。

___________ volcanoes now for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.



用下列方框中所给词组的适当形式填空: (每小题1分,共7分)

leave out        due to           be aimed at       get into trouble

be opposed to    take the risk of    burn…to the ground      





1.This anti-smoking campaign mainly ____________________ young people gets more and more attention.    

2.It is demanded that the students _________________________ (not) any important details while retelling the story.    

3.The central fiancé has handed out 6.3 billion yuan to help local governments solve the problems ___________________ the snow disaster.   

4. He ___________________________ losing his own life and saved my life in the cold water.

5.The people who _____________________the government’s building a new hall in the neighborhood went on a strike today.     

6.If the bottle of gas catches fire, the whole building may _____________________________.                                            

7.When __________________________________, be sure to keep calm.  




1.There is no known cure _________ the disease.      

2.All houses within 100 meters of the sea are ____________ the risk of flooding.  

3.A teacher should not show preference ____________ any one of his pupils. 

4.People here have a more relaxed attitude __________ their work.  

5.Where can I exchange my dollars ________ pounds? 

6.Janet has been _______ a lot of stress since her mother’s illness. 

7.There are several different models to choose _________.  

8.The heights of the plants vary _______ 8 cm to 20 cm.    

9.The terrible car accident resulted _______ his drinking.  

10.The closure of the factory will cause severe damage ______ the local economy. 



To what degree can a computer achieve intelligence?The answer to this question may lie in a newly-developed US computer program called Smarter Child and the Internet.

If you ran into Smarter Child online, you would be surprised at this kid’s huge memory. It can recite many facts. For example, Smarter Child knows every baseball player in every team this season.

He knows every word in the dictionary and the weather in every major city areas across the US. However, if you ask Smarter Child other questions, you get strange answers. A question about Smarter Child’s age returns. “One year, 11 days, 16 hours, 7 minutes, and 47 seconds!” Asking where he lives gets, “In a clean room in a high-tech building in California.”

Smarter Child uses the vast information on the World Wide Web as his memory bank. To answer questions about spelling, for instance, Smarter Child goes to American Heritage Dictionary online. For the weather, he visits www.intellicast.com.

Some scientists believe that by joining the many systems of the Internet, an artificial being with the combined knowledge of, say, Albert Einstein, Richard Nixon and Britney Spears could be born. However, if Smarter Child wants to think and learn on his own like the boy-computer David in the movie A. I. Artificial Intelligence, he must overcome two problems.

The first is that computers find it difficult to read web pages because the files are labeled in different ways. That’s why programmers need to tell Smarter Child where to look for the weather. It would be a much more difficult task to let him find it himself.

Another problem is that while Smarter Child can process information more exactly and faster than any human, he lacks common sense—a basic grounding of knowledge that is obvious to any young child.

1.From the text we can infer that www.intellicast.com is a website           .

         A.where we people can find Smarter Child

         B.which is specially designed to help Smarter Child

         C.where weather forecasts are made

         D.which is about artificial intelligence

2.It is probably most difficult for Smarter Child to          .

         A.learn the ability to tell right behaviors from wrong ones.

         B.tell us how to spell a difficult word

         C.provide us with a famous poem by Shakespeare

         D.tell us how the American government is run

3.The underlined  “it ” in Paragraph 6 refers to ________.

         A.where to look for the weather  B.Smarter Child.

         C.a much more difficult task         D.to read web pages

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

         A.A New Web Child       B.Intelligence Development

C.Smarter Child              D.The Future of Internet 



Andy rode slowly on his way to school, day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him. He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was unaware of everything else around him.

He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present. He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens. What he saw shocked and terrified him. A huge swarm(群) of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and seemed to be heading angrily towards him.

With no time to waste, Andy sped off in the opposite direction, without knowing how to escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart, he sped down the rough road. As the bees came closer, his panic increased. Andy knew that he was allergic to bee stings(蜇). The last sting had landed him in hospital —and that was only one bee sting! He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days. Suddenly, his father’s words came to him. “When you are in a tight situation, don’t panic. Use your brain and think your way out of it.”

On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson family home. “Bees don’t like smoke,” he thought. “They couldn’t get into the house.” Andy raced towards the Nelson house, but he knew he could not reach the house in time. The bees would catch up with him soon.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a small dam used by Mr. Nelson to water his vegetable garden. He got off his bike and into the cool water, disappearing below the surface. After holding his breath for as long as he could, Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone. Dragging himself out of the dam, he struggled up the hilly slope(坡) and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Nelson took him inside and rang his mother.

“You’ll really need that fishing break to help you recover,” laughed his mother with relief. “Thank goodness you didn’t panic!” But Andy did not hear her. He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow.

1. Why did Andy fail to notice the swarm of bees earlier?

A. He was riding to school.                                 

B. He was listening to a strange sound.

C. He was going fishing with his father.

D. He was lost in the thought of the fishing trip.

2. How did Andy avoid the bees in the end?

A. He asked Mr. Nelson for help.                                 B. He hid himself under the water.

C. He rushed into the Nelson house.                    D. He rode off in the opposite direction.

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the swarm of bees in the passage?

A. They crowded like a black cloud.                   B. They shocked and terrified Andy.

C. They made Andy stay in hospital.                 D. They were coming towards Andy.      

4.Which of the following can best describe Andy’s escape from the bees?

A. No pains, no gains.                                           B. Once bitten, twice shy.

C. Where there is a will, there is a way.           D. One’s mind works faster in an emergency.



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