满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

.He__________ well with a boy in his cla...

.He__________ well with a boy in his class. They often do homework together.

A. is gong through                 B. is calming down

C. is tied of                       D. is getting along


D 【解析】略

Sorry, I do not break the plate ________________

A. on purpose  B. on the purpose  C. in purpose   D. in the purpose



My friend came to school _________,I told him I ______about her.

A. calm; add up                    B. loose; face to face 

C. upset; was concerned              D. entire ; set down









1.Can’t you _____________  your attention ________ your research (集中) ?

2.Yesterday his teachers __________him_______ cheating in the exam.(指责)

3.It’s Spring Festival, we are ____________  __________ go home. (渴望)

4.Only when the war ends ________  _________live a better life.(只有当战争结束,他们才能过上较好的生活)

5. ______ is no doubt______ the plan will succeed.(毫无疑问,这个计划会成功的)。

6.We are very happy, because our students all _________  _________ us.(我们很高兴,因为所有学生都认可我们)

7.It was a good concert------I enjoyed the last song _________  _____________(特别).

8.She often_________ out a sudden scream as if she _______dying, in fact , nothing serious. (她常突然发出尖叫,好像要死似的,其实无大碍) .

9.I saw a house ________  ________ a squire .(我看到房子向地主哈腰)

10.This __________(涵盖)5000 years of civilization from many parts of the world,___________(包括) America, China, Egypt and other countries.




1.Nobody knew how she had a__________ much knowledge of music.

2.A lot of work now is _____________(临时的)or part-time.[来源:学,科,3.The box is so t________ (紧) that I can’t open it.

4.She expressed his____________(悲痛) at my mother’s death.

5.Would you please tell me where your p_______________( 永久的 ) home is?

6.I am d___________ to help you, it’s my pleasure.

7.Look, it’s blood, his nose is b____________.

8.Her face become red with__________(生气), and she couldn’t say a word

9.The keys to the doors are in the p________________ (所有)of the teacher, no one can open them.

10.Can you __________(擦亮) your shoes ? They are dirty.



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