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Hemingway(1898~1961) was born in Illinoi...

Hemingway(1898~1961) was born in Illinois. His family took him, as a boy, hunting and fishing trips and so made him know early the kinds of virtues, such as courage and endurance (忍耐), which were later shown in his stories. After high school, he worked as a newspaper reporter and then went abroad to take part in World War I. After the war, he lived for several years in Paris. It was not long before he began publishing remarkable short stories. In the year he left Paris he published the powerful novel The Sun Also Rises. His subjects were often war and its effects on people, or contests, such as hunting or bullfighting, which demand endurance and courage.

     Hemingway’s style of writing is striking. His sentences are short, his words are simple, yet they are often filled with feelings. A careful reading can show us, further more, that we see how the action of his stories continue during the silence, during the times his character say nothing. This action is often full of meaning. There are times when the most powerful effect comes from restraint(克制). Such times happen often in Hemingway’s writings. He perfected the art of expressing excitement with few words.

1.Which of the following was written by Hemingway?

A. The Old Man and the Sea.            B. The Ugly Duckling.

C. The Daughter of the Sea.             D. The Gifts.

2.Hemingway’s short stories were first published_______.

A. before World War I.            B. during World War I.

C. after World War I.             D. in the year before he left Pairs.

3.What do you know about Hemingway as a boy from the article?

A. He was very brave and bright.

B. He liked writing short stories.

C. He often went hunting and fishing.

D. He was good at hunting and fishing.

4.Why is Hemingway’s style of writing striking?

A. Because his words are short.

B. Because his sentences are simple.

C. Because his writings are filled with feelings.

D. Because he is a master of the pause.


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 【解析】略

In some countries,people eat rice every day. 36 they eat it two or three times a day,for breakfast, lunch and supper. They can 37 it, fry(煎)it or 38  it into rice noodles.They usually eat it 39 meat,fish and vegetables.

Some people do not eat some kind of 40. Muslins,for example,do not eat pork,and Hindus do not eat beef.

The Japanese eat a lot of fish.Japan is an island and its 41 go all over the  Pacific looking for fish to 42.The Japanese sometimes eat uncooked fish,and they also eat a lot of rice.

    In 43 such as Britain,Australia and the United States,the most important food is 44 or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They   45 potatoes in different ways. They can boil them,fry them and roast(烤)them.

    In Africa,maize(玉米)is the most important food.46 rice and wheat,maize is a kind of cereal(谷物). African people make the maize 47 flour. From this flour they make 48 kinds of bread and cakes. Many Africans are very 49 and they can’t afford to eat much 50 with their cereal.

    Cereals are a very important kind of food 51 we also need plenty of vegetables and lots of fresh 52

    Some people eat 53 fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or54  that comes from animals. They eat only food from 55. Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.

1.A. Sometimes     B. Sometime      C. Some time       D. Some times

2. A. drink         B. eat           C. have            D. boil

3.A. make          B. turn          C. change          D. eat

4.A. as            B. like          C. with            D. together

5. A. apples        B. fish          C. meat            D. vegetables

6.A. trains        B. planes        C. fishing boats   D. life boats

7.A. buy           B. weigh         C. hold            D. catcj

8. A. the world                      B. countries

    C. the east                       D. developing countries

9. A. bread         B. cake          C. flour           D. vegetables

10.A. cook          B. eat           C. make            D. take

11.A. Like          B. As            C. Being           D. With

12.A. of            B. from          C. into            D. up to

13.A. the same      B. different     C. every           D. each

14. A. rich          B. poor          C. strong          D. weak

15.A. meat          B. maize         C. flour           D. bread

16. A. so            B. as            C. because         D. but

17. A. rice          B. cakes         C. fruit           D. potatoes

18.A. not only      B. only          C. besides         D. except

19. A. something     B. anything      C. pork            D. beef

20.A. plants        B. apples        C. pigs            D. fish



She asked me __________I __________him the night before.

A. why ; saw                       B. what ; had seen 

C. whether; saw                     D. whether; had seen



-- Miss Wang ,I hear that you ___________along the Mekong River. Have you got everything ready?


A. is travelling    B. are travelling   C. travelled    D. would travel



Here are my neighbours ________home was destroyed by the earthquake.

A. whose       B. who        C. whom        D. that



In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay _____________.

A. right away      B.  in ruins    C.  as if      D. at  an  end



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