满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was freezing outside my car and I did...

It was freezing outside my car and I did not want to get out of it. We were passing by a small shop when I noticed an old man 36 with cold. It was freezing that night. 37, here he was, seated in the corner, waiting for anyone who would give him a(n)38 coin or a cup of hot tea.

I asked my husband to go over and 39 a packet of biscuits to this old man. He looked into my husband’s face 40 and smiled. I felt so happy and 41 I prayed for him to live through the cold night.

I 42 to visit again and find out 43 he was the next day. I did so the next evening, and he was still there.44 my car, the old man came up to my 45 and smiled at me. I became 46 once more and this time I gave him a bag of food, which I brought with the 47 of finding him in the same spot. He 48 for the bag and I gave him my hand. He 49 my hand and said,“ May God bless you. Thanks for your help.” With his cap on his head and the 50 of his hand and the smile on his face, he 51 me of my father.

At a closer 52, I saw my father in this old man, waiting for anyone to show him some 53 or love. Maybe one day, it could 54 to one of us, so do not pass by a poor person without offering  at least a word of 55 and a kind smile or an act kindness of any kind.

1.A. standing   B. shaking   C. walking   D. crying

2. A. Therefore  B. Finally    C. Instead   D. However

3. A. new       B. extra     C. single    D. remaining

4. A. buy       B. hand      C. throw    D. order

5.A. seriously   B. angrily    C. carefully  D. gratefully

6.A. in fact     B. in addition  C. in turn   D. in all

7.A. agreed     B. promised   C. managed  D. decided

8.A. where     B. what       C. how       D. whom

9.A. Recognizing  B. Following  C. Stopping  D. Leading

10.A. place       B. window    C. way     D. seat

11.A. nervous     B. happy     C. excited   D. sad

12.A. hope       B. aim       C. plan       D. idea

13.A. looked up   B. stood up   C. reached out   D. set out

14.A. accepted    B. pulled    C. touched   D. held

15.A. size       B. warmth    C. power    D. shape

16.A. reminded   B. informed   C. told     D. convinced

17.A. appearance  B. look      C. inspection  D. survey

18.A. favor      B. respect     C. support   D. mercy

19. A. go        B. appear      C. exist    D. happen

20.A. romance   B. admiration   C. love    D. passion


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.C 【解析】略

-- How do you find the dance music?. 

--         .

A. My sister told me  B. By surfing the internet   C. Excellent  D. By chance



If we hadn’t _________ energy, we would have won the match.

A. run out      B. used up          C. let out         D. carried out



The exhibition will _____to those who love painting.   

A. adopt        B. appeal    C. predict      D. carve



It is in Dongxing Middle School ________ he made many friends.

A. where       B. when     C. who            D. that



She couldn’t decide whether to send him to hospital ________.

   A. or not to send      B. or not   C. or not to    D. to or not



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