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单词短语 (共5题,每小题1分,共5分) 1. run out of _____...

单词短语 (共5题,每小题1分,共5分)

1. run out of ________________    

2. in exchange for __________________

3. by coincidence_____________     

4. be specific to ___________________

5. make sense of _____________________


 用完   交换;调换   碰巧      对。。。来说是特有的    理解;弄明白 【解析】略

Ted Shreds doesn't like cars. He wants people to stop driving because cars make the air dirty. Ted had an idea. He said,“I'm going to cycle around North America. I want to show everyone that cycling is a fun way to get around. If more people ride bikes, the air will be cleaner.”

He left his hometown with $160 in his pocket. When he got to San Diego, he met another cyclist. The cyclist invited Ted to speak at a big meeting about the environment. He said,“We'll pay your airfare to Texas and we'll pay you to talk about your cycling trip.”Two hours late, Ted was on a plane to the environmental conference and to a big surprise!

While he was at the conference, he met Deanna, it was love at first sight! They talked for six hours straight.

The next day, Ted called Deanna and asked her to finish the trip with him. Deanna said yes, sold everything in her apartment, gave her notice at work, and was on the road with Ted 20 days later!

“It was difficult at first,”said Deanna.“Ted got up every morning at 6:00 a.m., but I wanted to sleep until noon.”After a few days, they started having fun. As they cycled from Florida to Montreal and then back to Vancouver, every day was an adventure. People paid for their food in restaurants and gave them extra money. Some people gave them $50 or $100.They slept in people's backyards and drank beer with motorcycle gangs.

On their way back to Vancouver, they stopped in Edmonton to visit Ted's relatives. During the stopover, they got married. People tied a “Just Married” sign and tin cans to the backs of their bikes. They got married. They now want to write a book about their trip.“We want people to know that you can be an environmentalist and still have fun,”Shreds said.

1.Ted Shreds went cycling because_________.

A. he loves adventure

B. cycling is a lot of fun

C. he wanted to find himself a wife

D. he supports environmental protection

2.Ted got paid for_________.

A. giving a talk about his cycling trip    

B. cycling throughout North America

C. traveling around North America by air       

D. attending conferences on cycling

3.The “big surprise” he had at the conference was that _________.

A. he met another cyclist who wanted to join him

B. he fell in love with a girl there

C. he gave a long talk lasting 6 hours

D. he had a lot of fun talking about his cycling trip

4.During the trip, Ted and Deanna_________.

A. found it hard to get up early

B. were attacked by motorcycle gangs

C. did not have to pay for their meals in restaurants

D. decided to get married



Americans have contributed to many art forms, but jazz, a type of music, is one of the art forms that was started in the United States. Black Americans, who sang and played the music of their homeland, created jazz.

Jazz is a mixture of the music of Africa, the work songs the slaves sang, and religious(宗教)music. Improvisation is an important part of jazz. This means that the musicians make the music up as they go along, or create the music on the spot. This is why a jazz song might sound a little different each time it is played.

Jazz bands formed in the late 1800s.They played in bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South, especially New Orleans. New Orleans is an international seaport, and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz.

Jazz became more and more popular. By the 1920s,jazz was popular all over the United States. By the 1940s,you could hear jazz not only in clubs and bars, but in concert halls as well. Today, people from all over the world play jazz. Jazz musicians from the United States, Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe meet and share their music at festivals on every continent. In this way jazz continues to grow and change.

1.What can be the best title of the passage?

A. American Art Forms                       B. The Development of Jazz

C. The Music of Black Americans             D. The Birthplace of Jazz

2.From the text it can be inferred that_________.

A. New Orleans is the place where jazz was first produced

B. the American people are all jazz lovers

C. jazz is merely sung by the black when working

D. jazz may become more popular as time goes on

3.It took about _________ years to make jazz popular in the United States.

A.200           B.120           C.80                D.40



Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional    probems and possibly cancer.

Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Other burst with anger, and scream and yell(咆哮).But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.

For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person's health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry,the brain releases the same hor-mones(荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. In general the person feels excited and ready to act.

Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.

Doctors say the solution(解决办法) is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say,“Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”

Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.

1.“Damaging emotion” means that _________.

A. the emotion is harmless                 

B. the emotion is harmful

C. the feeling is very strong

D. the feeling is hard

2. What statement is right?

A. Were you angry, you would be cancered(得癌症).

B. Once you are angry, you must be cancered.

C. Angry as you are often, you can't be cancered.

D. Anger may cause you a cancer.

3. Expressing anger violently _________ repressing it according to some scientists.

A .is just the same as                     

B. is more harmful than

C. is no better than                           

D. is much better than

4.According to the author, you'd better _________.

A. never be angry                          

B. cool it down before you express it

C. laugh and laugh when you get angry          

D. admit you are wrong when you are angry



Over a hundred years ago people in London were surprised to see a very unusual boat come sailing up the Thames River. The boat was eighty feet long flat-bottomed, with big wooden eyes on both sides in the front and was colorfully painted at the back.

People came to know that it was a sailing boat from Fuzhou in distant China. The boat had sailed round the Cape of Good Hope(好望角) up the western coast of Africa, and finally to England. It had covered fifteen thousand miles—more than half of the distance round the world.

Although it was unexpected, the Chinese were warmly welcomed. The boat carried goods such as silk and tea as well as a number of gifts from the Emperor of China for the Queen of England.

People had always mistakenly thought of the Chinese as a people not used to sea. However, from centuries of trading and sailing in dangerous seas, the Chinese had learned how to build good boats and sailed them well. The coming of this sailing boat to London proved once again that the Chinese could sail to distant countries in the world.

1.The boat was considered unusual because _________.

A. it was a small wooden boat                  

B. it carried Chinese silk and tea

C. it had traveled fifteen thousand miles      

D. it looked strange in several ways

2. According to this article, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The distance round the earth measures less than thirty thousand miles.

B. The Chinese Emperor gave silk and tea to the English Queen as gifts.

C. The Chinese boat came to London by accident.

D. The Chinese people were not good at sailing in dangerous seas.

3.The boat reached London by sailing _________.

A. round the southern end of Africa        

B. up the west coast of England

C. through the Arctic Ocean                

D. round Asia and Europe

4.The writer wants to prove that a long time ago the Chinese _________.

A. carried silk, tea and other goods to England

B. could reach many parts of the world by sea

C. could sail along the Thames River

D. surprised Londoners with an unusual boat



完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

I made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car. Though I had only been there once  1  and did not know the  2  very well. I was on the  3  after I had made some inquiries (询问).

    At Ashvelle, there was a crossroad where I could go on along the main road or I could take a short cut. The short cut was to  4  several hills and was dangerous ,I hesitated (犹豫)for a little while and then chose the main road, for I wanted to be  5 .

    Something strange happened after I drove a long  6  and found it was not the correct road that I wanted to  7, but the hilly road I decided to avoid .I realized that it was at the  8  that I had made the  9  mistake. “What shall I do?” I asked myself .If I went back to take that road again,  it would be very late by the time I got to Columbia. Thin it  10 , I decided to go on. “If  11  people can go along this road, why can’t I?” I  12  myself

The short cut, to my surprise ,was not that  13  .In fact, it was only a very peaceful country road,  14  up and down two low  15 .There was  16  traffic. On both sides of the road, you could see trees, wild flowers, and  17  with cows and horses. My fear was  18  with the wind. Listening to the beautiful country music over my car stereo (立体声), I drove on and  19  the scenery which was so quiet and so natural .Even my used car forgot to give me  20 .It was just in this light heartedness that I arrived at my destination. My friends, after they heard what had happened to me, all said it sounded like an adventure.

1.A. before     B. ago      C. already      D. still

2.A. town       B. country  C. friends          D. way

3.A. train          B. car      C. highway      D .phone

4.A. have       B. go       C. ride         D. cross

5.A. safe           B. dangerous    C. fast         D. slow

6.A. moment     B. way      C. road         D. day

7.A. come       B. leave        C. take         D. drive

8.A. crossroad      B. corner       C. station          D. beginning

9.A. direction      B. road     C. disappointed D. interesting

10.A. about     B. over     C. of           D. up

11.A. another       B. the other    C. other            D. others

12.A. asked     B. forced       C. encouraged       D. told

13.A. far           B. safe     C. dangerous        D. dirty

14.A. going     B. coming   C. driving      D. walking

15.A. lands     B. cars     C. farms            D. hills

16.A. heavy     B. little       C. few          D. light

17.A. farms     B. trucks       C. houses           D. villages

18.A. together      B. gone     C. covered      D. coming

19.A. looked        B. liked        C. enjoyed      D. found

20.A. happiness B. scenery  C. joys         D. problems



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