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I often read China Daily, ____of great h...

I often read China Daily, ____of great help to my English study.

A. which I think is   B. which I think it is   C. that I think is   D. I think is


A 【解析】略

His father, who is said to be teaching in Australia, ____ in Nanjing University for more than 10 years.

  A. has worked   B. had worked     C. worked    D. has been working



—— Oh, it’s raining hard outside. Mum, do you think the milkman will come?

   —— Of course. He will come on time _____it rains.

   A. in case       B. even though      C. as long as     D. ever since



Though the book is a little expensive, it is _____.

   A. very worth buying             B. well worth to be bought 

   C. well worth buying             D. very worthy buying



It is required that students _____mobile phones at school, so seldom _____them using one.

   A. don’t use; will you see          B. should not use; you will see

   C. not use; will you see            D. can’t use; will you see



——Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?

   —— Something _____to him.

A. must have happened           B. can have happened 

C. must happen                  D. can happen



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