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Japan’ s nuclear crisis is also causing ...


6ec8aac122bd4f6eJapan’ s nuclear crisis is also causing concerns in China. Worried shoppers rushed to stores and supermarkets in the country for salt, with the belief that it might protect them from potential nuclear radiation spreading from Japan.

  Many rushed to buy to store as much iodized salt as possible because of the rumor that iodized salt could help prevent radiation poisoning spreading from Japan’ s Fukushima Daiichi power plant. Consumers also worried that the nuclear plumes might spread to China by air and sea, polluting food sources, including salt taken from the sea.

 The wave of panic buying spread quickly across the country, driving up salt prices by five to ten fold in some cities.

 Even regions rich in salt production, like Jiangxi Province,faced sudden shortages.

The government took measures to guarantee enough supply and to stabilize(稳定)the market. It also dismissed the nuclear rumors, saying the nuclear fallout was unlikely to reach the country, and that salt did not help to prevent radiation poisoning.

 Local authorities have stepped in to stabilize the market, too. As well, state-owned salt companies have been urged to increase their supply.

 Facing expanding market demand, distribution centers have taken extra measures to ensure they are well-prepared.

 Wang Yun, the General Manager of Beijing Salt Industry Corporation, said, “Our storage reserves can guarantee a two-month supply for the Beijing market.”

1.People made panic purchases of salt for the reasons EXCEPT______________.

A. salt might protect them from potential nuclear radiation

B. nuclear radiation might pollute food sources

C. nuclear radiation might pollute salt taken from the sea

D. there would be a shortage of salt on the market

2.The underlined word “fold” in the third paragraph means _______.

A. times   B. prices   C. quantities    D. means

3.What measures did the government take for the panic buying?

A. Enough salt would be offered to each house.

B. It admitted that salt could stop nuclear radiation.

C. Authorities urged state-owned salt companies to increase the supply.

D. Those who spread the rumor were all arrested and punished.

4.What is the purpose of the writer to give the example of Beijing Salt Industry Corporation?

A. To tell readers that there is a salt company in Beijing.

B. To make people believe that the supply of salt is enough.

C. To call on panic people to buy enough salt.

D. To prove what the government did was right.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 1.细节理解题。根据文章的第一、二段可知人们抢购食盐,因为害怕食物受到核辐射的污染,加碘盐可以预防核辐射,而不是害怕市场上缺盐。 2.词义猜测题。根据上句可知食盐抢购潮迅速波及全国,使得某些城市的食盐价格上涨了5至10倍。因此选A。 3.细节理解题。 根据第六段可知,当地政府要求国有盐业公司增加市场供应,故选C。 4.推理判断题。根据文中的“全国出现了抢盐潮,政府采取了措施来稳定市场和人心”可知,列举北京盐业公司是为了使人们相信盐的供给是充足的。

On the morning of November 18, 1755, an earthquake shock Boston. John Winthrop, a professor at Harvard College, felt the quake and awoke. “I rose”, Winthrop wrote, “and lighted a candle, looked at my watch, and found it to be 15minutes after four.” John Winthrop hurried downstairs to the grandfather clock. It had stopped three minutes before, at 4:12. Except for stopping the clock, the quake had only thrown a key from the mantel(壁炉台) to the floor.

The clock had stopped because Winthrop had put some long glass tubes he was using for an experiment into the case for safekeeping. The quake had knocked the tubes over and blocked the pendulum(钟摆).Winthrop, therefore, had the key on the floor. The quake had thrown it forward in the direction of the quake’ s motion by a shock coming from the northwest, perhaps in Canada.

1.What does “it” in the second paragraph refer to?

    A. the floor        B. the key           C. the clock           D. the case

2.The selection suggests that      .

A. earthquakes are common in Boston

B. John Winthrop was a scientist

C. John Winthrop often had difficulty in sleeping

D. Harvard College was a center for earthquake researching

3.Professor Winthrop ran downstairs because he wanted to know what had happened to     .

A. the clock    B. his grandfather       C. the key     D. the glass tubes

4.John Winthrop put some tubes into this clock case because      .

A. he wanted to do an experiment

B. he thought an earthquake was probably to happen soon

C. he thought it safe for them to be put there

D. he wanted to record the exam time of the earthquake



A Love Note to My Mom

When I was a little girl,I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally understood what role modeling__21__  in your life. Little did I know you were_22__  every penny you earned to go to__23__ school.

I cannot thank you enough for__24__ you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework, I wandered into the dining room where you were buried__25__ piles of law books. I was  __26__.Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for__27__? When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’ t know Moms__28__be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life, you can do anything you want to do.”

As young as I was,that statement kept___29__ in my ears. I watched as you faced the___30_of completing your studies, starting companies with Dad, while still being a_31__ and a Mom of five kids. I was exhausted  just watching you__32__.With your words of wisdom in my__33__mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world__34__.I set out to live my life filled with__35__,seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.

Your words became my motto. I__36__found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) __37__one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said, “Yes, I’ ll try that.”

 Encouraged by your__38___, I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’ s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and__39__meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’ m__40__ it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.

1.A. found          B. played          C. kept         D. provided

2.A. saving         B. making       C. donating    D. receiving

3.A. business       B. fashion         C. law          D. medical

4.A. what           B. that         C. which        D. where

5.A. at             B. to               C. upon         D. under

6.A. amused         B. worried     C. puzzled          D. disappointed

7.A. roles          B. tests            C. positions        D. shows

8.A. must           B. ought to     C. need         D. could

9. A. ringing           B. blowing      C. falling          D. beating

10.A. choices           B. chances      C. challenges     D. changes

11.A. professor         B. doctor           C. reporter         D. model

12.A. in danger         B. in action        C. in trouble       D. in charge

13. A. weak             B. powerful    C. youthful         D. empty

14.A. came back         B. closed down C. went by          D. opened up

15. A. hope             B. hardship    C. harmony      D. sadness

16.A. constantly        B. shortly          C. hardly           D. nearly

17. A. and              B. but          C. or           D. for

18. A. description      B. statement        C. praise           D. introduction

19.A. secretly          B. curiously        C. carelessly       D. eagerly

20.A. doing             B. considering      C. correcting       D. reading



She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child _____ everything!

A. had been eating    B. had eaten   C. have eaten    D. have been eating



I ______ sooner but I didn’ t know that they were waiting for me.

A. had come     B. was coming      C. would come    D. would have come



I often          the words I don’ t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.

A. look up      B. look at      C. look for     D. look into



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