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Who cares if money can’t buy you love? B...

Who cares if money can’t buy you love? But it can still be your best friend forever.That’s one of the surprising findings in a new research paper, “The Power of Money”,published in me journal Psychological Science.

  Like any best friend forever,money demonstrated to researchers its ability to soothe us,reduce our sense of social exclusion and even reduce life’s painful moments.

  “I was surprised” says Katherine Vohs,one of the researchers and professor at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management.“The findings were surprising because no one had connected the meaning of money to pain.The money wasn’t buying the subjects more friends;it was only psychologically helpful.”

   In the research ,students were told they would be participating in a test of finger dexterity(敏捷度).One group was given some paper money to count,while the other group was given blank pieces of paper.Once the counting was complete, all the test subjects were asked to dip their fingers into bowls of water heated to 122 degrees—roughly the temperature of a very hot bath.

  Result? Those who had been counting money reported less pain than those who had not.Subjects also were asked about their feelings.Those who handled actual money reported feeling stronger even 10 minutes after they put down the cash.

  Combined with previous experiments,the findings confirmed what researchers have long doubted,that money acts as a general panacea(万能药)in the brain,giving us social self-confidence and reducing physical pain without having to spend a dime on aspirin.

  But can we get the same effect by using credit cards? “No,credit cards do not have the same effect,” Vohs says.“They are scary for most people,and they in fact represent debt m many ways.”The findings could have an interesting effect in the business world, where recent trends have been to issue non-monetary rewards and bonuses instead of what was thought of as “cold, hard cash”.

1.The underlined word “soothe” in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to“____________” .

    A.encourage   B.remind     C.calm  D.trust

2.What’s Katherine Vohs’s attitude towards the result of the study?

    A.He found it totally unexpected.

    B.He had no doubt about it.

    C.He thought it needed further experiments.

    D.He thought it was not convincing.

3.What do we know about the students involved in the study?

    A.They were divided into two groups according to their ages.

    B.One group was given paper money while the other was given coins.

    C.They were holding the money while dipping fingers into hot water.

    D.Both groups were asked to dip fingers into hot water.

4.We can 1earn from the passage that_________.

    A.the effect of money can only last until we put it down

  B.money is both psychologically and socially helpful to us

    C.the result of the research hasn’t been confirmed(证实) by experts

    D.credit cards have the same effect on us as money

5.The last paragraph suggests that___________.

    A.the recent trend in the business world is to give cash as rewards

    B.employers should give non-monetary rewards to employees

    C.cash is a better way to reward employees than credit cards

    D.more and more employees prefer non-monetary rewards to cash


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】略

To many Americans,Labor Day marks the end of the summer,a day off from work and school,and one last chance to relax.But Labor Day is much more than just a day off . It represents a very important victory for laborers everywhere.The holiday is a celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers.

  More than a century ago,workers were forced to deal with harsh conditions.They were paid very little, and they often worked 10-to l2-hour days.Men, women and even small children were forced to work even when they were sick.Tired of long hours and dangerous conditions,workers began organizing themselves into labor unions.On top of fighting for higher pay and shorter workdays,they also fought for the rights of children.The workers wanted employers to place limits on the age of their workers so that small children were not overworked or hurt in factories.

  A New York City carpenter named Peter McGuire is credited for coming up with the idea for Labor Day.In 1872,after working many hours under poor conditions, McGuire rallied 100,000 workers to go on strike.The workers marched through the streets of New York City,demanding a better work environment.McGuire spent a decade fighting for workers’ rights.In 1882,he proposed the idea to create a special holiday for workers.On Tuesday,September 5,1882.more than 10,000 workers hit the streets of New York City for the first ever Labor Day parade.Two years later the celebration was moved to the first Monday in September.And in 1894,Congress passed a law making Labor Day a national holiday.

  Americans celebrated the first Labor Day holiday with a parade,picnics and fireworks.Today,many people hit the road to enjoy the last of their summer vacation.Others enjoy the long weekend with picnics,backyard barbecues or just rest and relaxation.However you spend Labor Day,remember that the holiday is a time to pay tribute (致敬)to the workers who have made America what it is today.

1.What do we know from Paragraph 1 ?

    A.Americans have more than a day off on Labor Day.

    B.Many countries in the world celebrate Labor Day.

    C.Labor Day has a deep meaning for American laborers.

    D.Labor Day shows the social and economic power of America.

2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

    A.American workers’ fighting against their employers.

    B.The bad life that American workers 1ed.

    C.How American employers treated their workers.

    D.The life that American workers ever expected.

3.The underlined word “rallied” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by“___________”.

A.persuaded    B.supported    C.rewarded    D.gathered

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.There were about 100,000 workers in New York City in 1872.

    B.Labor Day became a national holiday in 1884.

    C.In 1872 Labor Day was first put forward by McGuire.

    D.The first ever Labor Day parade was held in 1882.

5.According to the author,while spending Labor Day,Americans should feel _________ .

    A.surprised      B.thankful

    C.dissatisfied     D.superior



The Ocean Institute welcomes people to the City of Dana Point’s Festival of Whales celebration on both weekends.The event celebrates the migration(迁徙)of the whales off our coast.Respected ocean scientists of the ocean Institute introduce visitors to the world of whales.The speakers are arranged as the following.   

Saturday,March 5,12:30 pm

  Dr Gwen Goodmanlowe from Califomia State University is a full-time lecturer in the Department of Biology,and advises students working on degrees in marine(海洋的) biology.She received her doctorate in zoology from the University of Hawaii-Honolulu.   

Sunday,March 6,12:30 pm

    Matt Leslie,from Scripps Institute of Oceanography,has studied whales off the coast of Australia.Some of his current research projects include population structure analysis of whales using performance testing.He will lecture on guides for treatment of marine animals.

Saturday,March 12,12:30 pm

  Dr Merkens,from Scripps Institute of Oceanography,will present her latest research on how sound or music can be used as a means to identify characteristics of whales and to find out how whales communicate with one another in the environment.

Sunday,March 13, 2 pm

  Robert L. Pitman is a marine ecologist working for the National Marine Fishing Service.He began his career 35 years ago,studying seabirds and whales,and spends much of his time at sea on vessels at locations all over the world.His main interest is the ecology of the Antarctic killer whale.

  The Festival will allow visitors to know about new discoveries in marine animal research and to explore a variety of information on whales.Visitors will have the opportunity to listen to underwater whale sounds,and enjoy hands-on activities.Guests will tour the tall ship Pilgrim.

  Cost:$6.50 adults,$4.50 children(ages 4-12).For more information, please visit www.ocean-institute.org or call(949) 496-2274.

1.What do we know from the passage?

    A.A large number of scientists will attend the Festival of Whales celebration.

    B.The Festival of Whales celebration will be held from March 5 to March 13.

    C.The Ocean Institute will hold the City of Dana Point’s Festival of Whales.

    D.Four ocean scientists will tell visitors some information about whales.

2.What time should you attend the festival if you want to leam how to treat marine animals?

    A.At 12:30 pm on Saturday, March 5.

    B.At 12:30 pm on Sunday, March 6.

    C.At 12:30 pm on Saturday, March 12.   

    D.At 2 pm on Sunday, March 13.

3.If you only have time after l pm on weekends,you can listen to a lecture delivered by_________ .

    A.Gwen Goodmanlowe    B.Mart Leslie    C.Merkens    D.Robert L.Pitman   

4.Which of the following things can NOT visitors do according to the passage?

    A.Have close contact with underwater whales.

    B.Leam about new discoveries in marine animal research.

    C.Explore some information on whales.

    D.Tour the tall ship Pilgrim.

5.If a couple and their 13-year-old child attend the event,they would need to pay_________.

A.13 dollars    B.17.50 dollars    C.19.50 dollars    D.11 dollars



No one is perfect.We all mess up(搞砸)now and then.It can   36  a little bit to remember that most people have been in the   37   you’re in—hurting several people’s feelings.What makes the difference is what you do next.  38   can go along way toward healing(治愈) hurt or angry feelings.It takes  39   to step up and admit what you did was   40  .Try saying,

“What I said the other day was   4l   insensitive of me.I shouldn’t have said that.I just want to say I’m sorry.”

   When we say sorry, we   42   to be sincere to show we feel sorry about how hurt another person may be.If an apology is more about  43  and how we can benefit,it might not seem true.

  Another element of saying sorry is to let the person know you’re not going to let it   44   again.You could tell your friends,“I’m going to be more aware of what I  45  and say about people in the future.I’ll make an effort(努力) to be   46   and more positive about people,and not to 47   behind their backs—especially when it’s my friends.”

  If you can’t bring yourself to have a  48  in person,write a note.Whichever way you   49   to communicate, be sure that you’d feel comfortable if anything you say is  50  with other friends,too.

  Hopefully,your friends can stop being angry with you.But don’t be  51  if it doesn’t happen instantly.Some people are quick to  52 .Others may have to think about what you said and need  53  to get over hurt feelings or anger , or to regain trust.Do your best with the part that’s up to you.The rest is up to them.

  Stop being angry with yourself,too.You can learn from your  54 .Being too self-critical can’t help you.Move forward.Focus your energies on trying to make things right   55   working on your good intentions!

1.A.give           B.help         C.explain          D.get

2.A.World      B.house        C.surrounding      D.situation

3.A.Apologies      B.Friendships      C.Words            D.Experiences

4.A.money      B.knowledge    C.courage          D.patience

5.A.wrong      B.unusual      C.different            D.dangerous

6.A.probably       B.usually      C.really           D.finally

7.A.1eam           B.need         C.promise          D.hope

8.A.others    B.themselves       C.humans           D.ourselves

9.A.continue       B.happen       C.change           D.work

10.A.want          B.know         C.think            D.hear

11.A.cleverer          B.stronger         C.faster           D.kinder

12.A.talk          B.follow       C.act              D.shout

13.A.party         B.1esson       C.meeting          D.conversation

14.A.dare          B.decide       C.claim            D.dream

15.A.shared        B.compared    C.connected            D.treated

16.A.surprised    B.interested  C.discouraged      D.frightened

17.A.forgive       B.understand       C.agree                D.appear

18.A.energy        B.time         C.confidence       D.support

19.A.skills        B.friends      C.plans            D.mistakes

20.A.for           B.and          C.but              D.or



—Do you mind my taking this seat?

    — _______________.

A. Yes,sit down please    B.No,of course not   

C.Yes,take it please      D.No,you can’t take it



The speech delivered by the mayor of Shanghai on the opening ceremony of the World’s Swimming championship left me a deep ___________.

    A.expression    B.permission    C. opinion    D.impression



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