满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 非常方便,人们可以随时利用微博来表达心声,交流想法。

2. 给人们提供了一种释放压力的方式。

3. 与朋友分享心情,增进他们之间的了解。

4. 也有潜在的危险,有可能泄露个人隐私或其他重要信息。

5. 综上所述,使用微博要谨慎。




Microblog has become part of our life.



Microblog has become part of our life. It is very convenient for people to express their feeling instantly at any time. Besides, it provides a chance for people to release their inner stress. By showing their heartfelt emotions on the microblog, their friends may also know about their condition and can offer timely comfort. However, microblog can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away people’s privacy and other significant information.  All in all, microblog provides us with some concerns as well as comfort and large quantities of information, so we should be careful while using it. 【解析】略

Although I admire you _____ your work on soil, I think you should apologize _____the villagers for the water pollution.

A. for; to           B. to; for          C. for; for          D. to; to



With ____ leaves ____ in the earth every year, the soil becomes richer and richer.

A. falling; burying   B. fallen; buried  

C. fallen; burying    D. falling; buried



 American women usually consider their best friends as someone ________ they can turn when in trouble.

   A. to which        B. on whom        C. to whom         D. with whom



 He is always serious and doesn’t like _____.

   A. play jokes                     B. being played jokes on 

   C. being played jokes            D. to play joke on others



No one knows when such a custom first _____.

A. came into power              B. came into being

C. came true                    D. came out



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