满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分,30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,选出...



I used to love to watch my high school track team train — especially the long-distance runners. But that year, my eyes were __16 __to a girl whose running style was all wrong. She ran with her arms tucked(塞进) close to her body, bouncing(蹦) up and down in a way that must have driven her__17 __crazy. My athletic mind laughed at her strange style, and I began to think __18 __her as “the Bouncer”.

In early May, my high school __19__ a big sports meeting. A large group of athletes joined in the two-mile running race — including the Bouncer. As the race progressed, she quickly fell far __20__ the pack and every runner lapped her at least once before it was over. But she just kept running, __21___ up and down — and always wearing the same smile.

“That poor kid,” I thought. “There was nothing to be __22__ by finishing so far behind the pack. Why didn’t she just __23__?” Still, she never stopped, and her smile never changed.

But a short while later, something __24__ began to happen. As she entered the home stretch(终点直道), a cheer began to rise, growing louder with each step the Bouncer took toward the finish line until, finally, every person in the stands stood and cheered __25 __the fate(命运) of the whole race depended on this one lone girl, bouncing toward the finish line.

The Bouncer just ___26 __to run exactly as she’d been doing from the beginning. As she crossed the finish line, the teacher walked out onto the __27__and held her arms tightly.

I’ve seen hundreds of races since that day, and I’ve seen thousands of runners __28___ the finish line. But I’ve never seen anything that showed the true spirit of __29__ as I watched on that warm spring day so long ago, when I saw a race won by a girl I had __30 __called the Bouncer

1.A. drawn             B. shut                       C. put             D. fixed

2.A. teamates         B. coaches                    C. parents       D. classmates

3.A. up                B. over                       C. of              D. about

4.A. hosted            B. formed                    C. organized       D. ran

5.A. over              B. away                      C. behind        D. off

6.A. rushing            B. dashing                    C. jumping         D. bouncing

7.A. admired           B. enjoyed                   C. accepted          D. gained

8.A. give in         B. give up            C. drop off       D. drop out

9.A. strange         B. funny                      C. special          D. similar

10.A. even after      B. just as                    C. as if                 D. even if

11.A. promised       B. expected                C. wanted          D. continued

12.A. track             B. path                        C. line               D. field

13.A. meet                  B. cross                        C. reach              D. hit

14.A. love                B. victory                     C. sport                D. race

15.A. bitterly              B. interestingly         C. strangely             D. laughingly


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C       6.D 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C       11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D 【解析】略

They would not allow him _______   across the enemy line.  

   A. to risk going          B. risking to going   C. for risk to go          D. risk going



—Where did you see him for the first time?

— It was in the factory _________ we worked.

A.that                  B.where            C.which                 D. when



 —why don’t we choose that road to save time?  

—The bridge to it         

A. is being repaired     B. is repaired    C. has repaired           D. will be repaired



The patient was warned   _______   oily food after the operation.

     A. t o eat not            B. eating not         C. not to eat                D. not eating



The old lady had a son and two daughters,________treated her well,which made her very sad.

A.no one of whom              B.none of whom         

C.neither of them               D.none of them



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