满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Ask someone what they have done to help ...

Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling.Recycling in the home is very important of course.However, being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need.We are dealing with the results of that over–consumption in the greenest way possible, but it would be far better if we did not need to bring so much material home in the first place.

    The total amount of packaging has increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005.It now makes up a third of a typical household’s waste in the UK.In many supermarkets nowadays food items are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.

    Too much packaging is doing serious damage to the environment.The UK, for example, is running out of it for burying this unnecessary waste.If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect.Recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy.The solution is not to produce such items in the first place.Food waste is a serious problem, too.Too many supermarkets encourage customers to buy more than they need.However, few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue, encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example.

     But this is not just about supermarkets.It is about all of us.We have learned to associate packaging with quality.We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality.This is especially true of food.But it is also applied to a wide range of consumer products, which often have far more packaging than necessary.

     There are signs of hope.As more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize just how much unnecessary materials are collected.We need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture, but we have a mountain to climb.

1.What does the underlined phrase “that over-consumption” refer to?

    A.Using too much packaging.          B.Recycling too many wastes.

    C.Making more products than necessary. D.Having more material than is needed.

2.The author uses figures in Paragraph 2 to show ___________.

     A.the tendency of cutting household waste     B.the increase of packaging recycling

     C.the rapid growth of supermarkets             D.the fact of packaging overuse

3.According to the text, recycling ___________.

     A.helps control the greenhouse effect        B.means burning packaging for energy

     C.is the solution to gas shortage              D.leads to a waste of land

4.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

     A.Unpackaged products are of bad quality. B.Supermarkets care more about packaging.

     C.It is improper to judge quality by packaging.

    D.Other products are better packaged than food.

5.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

     A.Fighting wastefulness is difficult.     

B.Needless material is mostly recycled.

     C.People like collecting recyclable wastes.

    D.The author is proud of their consumer culture.


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A       【解析】略

   Every girl wants to have a great-looking tattoo (纹身) design that makes them more attractive. Small and lovely tattoo designs are the path to go for girls planning to get tattooed for the first time.

   Nowadays, more and more females are getting a tattoo inked on their body. In the last fifteen years, tattoos have grown from being a sign of rebelliousness and trouble to a state of popular acceptance as a mark of fashion.

   Tattoos are permanent so you need to be sure that you like it before getting one. A great way is to have small tattoos that look beautiful as well. You can get a cherry blossom tattoo on the foot, perhaps, a hibiscus flower on the shoulder or a lovely butterfly on the lower stomach; whatever design you choose, it can definitely add to your attractiveness and charm.

   Deciding to get a tattoo needs careful thought and reflection. Otherwise, you could make some serious tattoo mistakes. Try to avoid big and obvious designs if possible. Another important part of choosing a tattoo design is the location. What part of the body do you want it on? Choosing a hidden location can often make the tattoo the perfect adornment (装饰). As for professional women, tattoos should normally be where they can be hidden.

   Most importantly, no matter what tattoo design you choose the final goal is that the design should be something you like. If you are into the tattoo and really feel passionate about it you will carry yourself in a different manner when you get it inked on your body.

1.A girl wants to have a tattoo in order to ________.

   A. show that she is unique              B. catch up the present fashion

   C. become more attractive              D. have more confidence

2.The underlined word “hallmark” in Paragraph 2 probably means _________

   A. feature    B. exhibition   C. entertainment    D. room

3.What did people think of girls who got tattooed in the past?

   A. They looked down upon these girls        B. They thought these girls liked to show off

   C. They thought these girls were fashionable   D. They thought these girls were rebellious

4.What is the author’s attitude towards girls’ getting a tattoo?

   A. He is against girls’ doing so   

B. He thinks professional women should not get tattooed

   C. He is in favor of it as long as it is done probably

   D. He calls on all the girls to do so

5.According to the author, which of the following is the right kind of tattoo that girls should get?

   A. Big, beautiful tattoos inked on the back

   B. Small, lovely tattoos inked on the hidden part of the body

   C. Big and fashionable tattoos inked on the foot

   D. Small and beautiful tattoos inked on where it is easy to see



We all know how important human life is—it’s priceless. It doesn’t matter where you are from or what the color of your skins is—all people are human beings. Firstly, we can tell you that the lives of your relatives could depend on your ability to give first aid. If you think highly of human’s life, this website is for you! Here you can find information about first aid.

The very first thing that you should do when you see an accident is to evaluate the situation and prevent further dangerous incidents. First of all, you have to recognize what has happened and what the dangers to rescuers and victims are. Think about how to take care of the victims.

Helping usually takes place in very difficult conditions and injuries can be very bad. Therefore, you cannot be too afraid of making mistakes to help. Sometimes you have to face the fact that regardless of your actions and your efforts the victim’s condition might not improve—he or she could even die. In some cases even professional medical aid may not succeed. If you have done everything you think you should do, you shouldn’t feel guilty.

Do not expose yourself to danger. Giving first aid can be dangerous. While trying to help a victim, do not forget about your own safety. If something happens to you, you won’t be able to help anyone.

Call for help after you find out the condition of a victim. But remember if a victim faints due to breathing failure caused by drowning, choking or poisoning, you should first take actions that help to bring back the heart beat and breathing. While calling, talk shortly but clearly. Always provide the following information: the location of the accident, the kind of accident, the number of the injured and your full name and phone number and so on.

1.The passage is probably taken from _________.

  A. a newspaper       B. the Internet             C. a textbook       D. a guide book

2.The underlined word “ evaluate” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.

  A. leave                      B. protect                      C. avoid                 D. judge

3. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?

  A. You should learn some professional knowledge about first aid.

  B. You shouldn’t feel guilty if you don’t know about first aid.

  C. Try your best to give first aid and don’t be afraid of making mistakes

  D. Don’t make mistakes when you are giving first aid.

4.The author thinks that helping a victim can be ____________.

A. risky                       B. shocking           C. exciting            D. boring

5.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

A. young people must learn how to give first aid

B. you should forget about your own safety while giving first aid.

C. when you see an accident you should do nothing but call the police.

D. when calling for help you should give all relevant details.





I used to love to watch my high school track team train — especially the long-distance runners. But that year, my eyes were __16 __to a girl whose running style was all wrong. She ran with her arms tucked(塞进) close to her body, bouncing(蹦) up and down in a way that must have driven her__17 __crazy. My athletic mind laughed at her strange style, and I began to think __18 __her as “the Bouncer”.

In early May, my high school __19__ a big sports meeting. A large group of athletes joined in the two-mile running race — including the Bouncer. As the race progressed, she quickly fell far __20__ the pack and every runner lapped her at least once before it was over. But she just kept running, __21___ up and down — and always wearing the same smile.

“That poor kid,” I thought. “There was nothing to be __22__ by finishing so far behind the pack. Why didn’t she just __23__?” Still, she never stopped, and her smile never changed.

But a short while later, something __24__ began to happen. As she entered the home stretch(终点直道), a cheer began to rise, growing louder with each step the Bouncer took toward the finish line until, finally, every person in the stands stood and cheered __25 __the fate(命运) of the whole race depended on this one lone girl, bouncing toward the finish line.

The Bouncer just ___26 __to run exactly as she’d been doing from the beginning. As she crossed the finish line, the teacher walked out onto the __27__and held her arms tightly.

I’ve seen hundreds of races since that day, and I’ve seen thousands of runners __28___ the finish line. But I’ve never seen anything that showed the true spirit of __29__ as I watched on that warm spring day so long ago, when I saw a race won by a girl I had __30 __called the Bouncer

1.A. drawn             B. shut                       C. put             D. fixed

2.A. teamates         B. coaches                    C. parents       D. classmates

3.A. up                B. over                       C. of              D. about

4.A. hosted            B. formed                    C. organized       D. ran

5.A. over              B. away                      C. behind        D. off

6.A. rushing            B. dashing                    C. jumping         D. bouncing

7.A. admired           B. enjoyed                   C. accepted          D. gained

8.A. give in         B. give up            C. drop off       D. drop out

9.A. strange         B. funny                      C. special          D. similar

10.A. even after      B. just as                    C. as if                 D. even if

11.A. promised       B. expected                C. wanted          D. continued

12.A. track             B. path                        C. line               D. field

13.A. meet                  B. cross                        C. reach              D. hit

14.A. love                B. victory                     C. sport                D. race

15.A. bitterly              B. interestingly         C. strangely             D. laughingly



They would not allow him _______   across the enemy line.  

   A. to risk going          B. risking to going   C. for risk to go          D. risk going



—Where did you see him for the first time?

— It was in the factory _________ we worked.

A.that                  B.where            C.which                 D. when



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