满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Father asked Anne_______________________...

Father asked Anne_______________________.

       A. when did she go to bed          B. when she went to bed

       C. when she go to bed              D. when does she go to bed


B 【解析】略

The teacher said that ____________________.

       A. light travel much faster than sound        

B. light travelled much faster than sound

       C. light had travelled much faster than sound  

D. light travels much faster than sound



He told the boys________________.

A. made so much noise                 B. not to make so much noise

C. not to made so much noise          D. not make so much noise






1.  《里约大冒险》(Rio),是由美国二十世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox Animation in America) 出品的喜剧动画片。

2.  主要讲述了鹦鹉布鲁 (Blu)的冒险经历:布鲁一直以为自己是世界上仅存的一只金刚鹦鹉, 因此当他得知巴西还有他的同类时, 他就决定去找它。

3.  著名电影《冰川时代》(Ice Age) 制作者卡洛斯.沙尔丹哈(Carlos Saldanha)导演了这部电影。

4.  好莱坞(Hollywood) 当红明星杰西.艾森伯格(Jesse Eisenberg)、安妮.海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway) 等人为这部电影做了配音,这使得这部电影更有吸引力。

5.  这部电影聚集了3D动画、美妙的音乐和精彩的剧情,值得一看。

[写作要求] 1)请按内容要求写一篇电影评论。字数:100-130


[评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整和篇章结构连贯。

喜剧动画片: a comedy animation  金刚鹦鹉 a macaw parrot  3D 动画: 3D scenes

配音       offer one’s voice



短语填空(注意形式)(每个2分, 共10分.)

 refer to … as …          in respond to         be different from    

on average              consist of            make a difference                




1. This club _________________ more than 200 members.

2. It could _________________ between missing your train and getting to work on time.

3._________________their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note.

4. In China, men still earn more than women _________________. 

5.He doesn’t like to be called Tom, but prefers to _________________ 'Doctor Khee'.



根据所给首字母或中文意思,用单词的适当形式填空 (每个1分, 共20分.)

1.He was c__________(好奇的) to know what was going on in the neighborhood.

2.The law applies to all EU countries; Britain is no e__________ (例外).

3. It was pouring. The hunter got inside a hollow tree for s__________ (庇护).

4. This new pay-TV channel sends s__________ (信号) via satellite to cable companies.

5.They o__________(提供) him a very good job, but he turned it down.

6.The entire s__________ (员工) has done an outstanding job this year.

7. A good diet is e__________ (必不可少的) for everyone.

8. His dog became his closest c__________(同伴).

9.She a__________ (申请) for a job with the local newspaper yesterday.

10.She keeps a bottle of gin h__________ (隐藏的) behind a stack of books.

11. I want to do research on Mark Twain. Is there a b__________ (传记) about him?

12. He had a v__________(生动的) picture of her in his mind.

13. Sorry to d_________ (打扰) you, but I have an urgent message.

14. He finally won his f__________(自由) after twenty years in jail.

15.Our o__________(起初的) plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain.

16. Many endangered species now face e__________ (灭绝)

17.This kind of apples is more expensive because they are i__________(进口)from abroad.

18.The hotel is not modern, but it does have the a__________ (优势) of being close to the city.

19.Jordan, a talented leader, led his team to v__________(胜利) .

20. She s_________ (得分) an average of 95 in the last test.



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