满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

- Mr. White, will you please teach me ho...

- Mr. White, will you please teach me how to perform pair skating today?

--         . You have to practise single skating well first.

A. Two heads are better than one.                       B. Think twice before you do.

C. Learn to walk before you run.                        D. One today is worth two tomorrows.


C 【解析】略

________ there is no restriction on foreign entries at the film festival ,those that win are in minority.

A. unless      B. When              C Where                     D while



________ seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter college or university.

A. It          B. This                 C. That                     D. There



It is no use _________ to persuade him ________ smoking because he has been addicted to it since he was young.

A. trying, to quit         B. to try, to quit          C. to try, quit                 D. trying, quit



I would have come earlier, but I ________ that you were waiting for me.

A. hadn’t known     B. didn’t know  C. would have known    D. haven’t know



         five hours to the meeting, David learnt that it had been postponed.

A. Having driven            B. Driven   C. Being driven D. To be driven



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