满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Our company is searching for a designer,...

Our company is searching for a designer, especially ______ with creativity(创造力).

    A. the one        B. that         C. one          D. those


C 【解析】略



1. 该漫画告诉了我们什么;

2. 你对此现象的看法;

3. 我们该如何主动和父母亲沟通。


1. 表达时要适当发挥想象,不要仅作简单描述。

2. 词数100左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 文中不得提及本人的相关信息。



Modern technology has many advantages. While we enjoy the fun and convenience of the Internet, we also experience some new problems. This caricature describes one of them.___________





1. 卡扎菲被抓时大喊:“宽恕我!”

“________ _________  to me!” Gadhafi cried, when he was captured.

2. 减少盐的摄入量也不会让你更健康。

To ________ _______ on salt does not make you healthier.

3. 纽约市的消防员在解救911恐怖袭击受害者中尽职尽责。

New York firefighters______     their ________ in rescuing victims in 911 terrorist attacks.

4. 他们会紧张缺乏自信,或者暴力倾向,步父亲的后尘。

They will become nervous and lack self-confidence or become violent and aggressive, _________ in the father’s ________.

5. I always consider fuel consumption when buying a car.

I always__________ fuel consumption into  _________ when buying a car.

6. This problem of labor shortage might be more serious in the following several years.

This problem of labor shortage might be more serious in the several years ________ _____   .

7.  I guess he has been hurt deeply, so he was so cautious.

He ________ _________ _________ hurt deeply, so he was so cautious.

8. As to the questions you have just asked, I will answer you tomorrow.

With ________ _________ the questions you have just asked, I will have them __________ tomorrow.

9.  The survey is being conducted; I’m sure we’ll be informed of the results soon.

The survey ________ ________ , I’ m sure we’ll be informed of the results soon.




1. The 8,892-kilometre-long border is said to be the longest border in the world not __________ (defend) by an army

or the police.

2. I am sure that the people in the disaster areas are on their way to__________ (live) a better life.

3. With all the cartoon books I needed__________ (buy), I left the bookstore.

4. The little girl, who has been spoiled has got used to __________ (offer) everything she needs.

5. After getting lost, the hiker spent several days walking through wild, lonely countryside before __________.(find)

6. It is such a small problem that it is hardly worth __________ (trouble) about.

7. I’d be the first __________ (admit) that I might be wrong.

8. One aim of genetically modified research is __________ (produce)food which will make us healthier.

9. At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up __________.(apologize)

10.__________ (expose)to lead does great harm to children’s learning ability.



1. If the interviewer asked about your family or school, speak with loyalty and __________.(喜爱)

2. Don’t you think it __________(荒唐的)to go out for a picnic in such bad weather?

3. When the old man let out his real  __________ (身份)as the president of the multinational company, the woman

was shocked.

4. It's a little__________ (别扭的 尴尬的), because he's my friend but I'm still his boss.

5. This __________ (环境的) effect of this new factory could be disastrous.

6. Children and a__________ should be paid more attention to.

7. It is a h__________ thing to see one person make another suffer.

8. He is not a friend of mine,only an a__________.

9. The quality of raw m__________ is essential to the quality of product.

10.His old car c__________ much gasoline, so he decided to buy a new one.






When difficult people expresses themselves orally, they generally want at least two things: they’ve been heard and they’ve been understood. As a good communicator should be a good listener, five steps are advocated toward good listening.

The first step is cooperating. How does a difficult person know that you’re listening and understanding? In fact, it’s through the way you look and sound while he is talking. You may help him to fully express his thoughts and feelings. You do this by nodding your head in agreement, making certain sounds of understanding.

When the person begins to repeat what’s been said, it’s a signal of step two: turning back. It means that you repeat back some words he is using, sending a clear signal that you’ve listening carefully and that you think what he is saying is important.

Having heard what he has to say, the next step is clarifying. At this point, you start to gather information about what is being communicated. Ask same open-ended questions, which will allow you to figure out what intention he is hoping to satisfy.

The fourth step is to summarize what you’ve heard. This allows you to make sure that both you and the difficult person the same page. When you do this, two things happen. First, if you’ve missed something, he can fill in the details. Second you’ve shown that you’re making an effort to understand completely. This increases possibility of gaining cooperation from him.

Having listened carefully, you’ve now arrived at the point of confirming with the person that he feels satisfied that his thoughts have been fully voiced. Ask if he feels understood.

Then enough sincere listening, questioning, and remembering are brought together, understanding is usually achieved and a difficult person becomes less difficult and more cooperative.



Listen to understand


Difficult people hope they have been heard and2.     when they express themselves.

3.      towards listening

◆4.     in agreement and make some sounds of understanding while a difficult person is speaking.

◆Repeat some5.       that you have heard.

◆Collect information about the person’s expressions and find his 6.    .

◆Give a 7.     of what the person has said.

◆Confirm that the person gains8.     from speaking his thoughts.


A difficult person will be9.     to cooperate with if understanding is achieved.


You may unlock the doors to difficult people’s minds after you listen and understand.




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