满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A trip to the bookstore with my granddau...

A trip to the bookstore with my granddaughter is always a big event. She __36__ in it for hours, touching the books, running her hands over the covers, looking at a few ___37___ here and looking at a few pages there.

I never ___38__ the full importance my five-year-old Grand Angel placed on these trips, until the day I suggested she pick the book she liked best, __39____ we could go home for dinner. Her response(答复) was __40___.

“But Grammy, I ___41___ them all the best. All the covers are be-yoo-tiful and all the pictures are bee-yoo-tiful and they’re all __42___. Just like people. Remember when you told me about people?”

I most certainly __43___ when I told her about people. I had explained that we are all __44___ in our own different way. Each of us has a story to ___45___ and no two stories are similar. We learn by ____46__ our stories and listening to the stories of others. Difference is the thing that makes each and every one of us __47___. I had no idea that she’d connected the lesson with ___48___. Actually, no one book was ___49___ than any other book. They were equally beautiful and equally special(特别的).

With dinner still ___50___ and our stomachs beginning to make noise, ___51___ time was finally at hand. But how to choose? I suddenly ___52___ the right question when I asked, “Which book wants to go home the most with you today?” After a short moment of ___53___, her eyes lit up. She ran to a specific book and ___54___ it from its place on the shelf. The main __55____ was the picture on the cover, a turtle with sad eyes. “We need to find out why the turtle is sad,” she said.

1.A. stands         B. plays           C. studies           D. stays

2. A. chairs         B. pages           C. papers            D. shelves

3. A. realized       B. asked           C. supported         D. approved

4. A. but            B. if              C. so                D. or

5.A. important      B. great           C. independent       D. fluent

6.A. accept         B. care            C. discover          D. like

7.A. different      B. cheap           C. expensive         D. valuable

8. A. forgot         B. insisted        C. remembered        D. limited

9.A. confused       B. beautiful       C. helpful           D. energetic

10.A. show           B. write           C. follow            D. tell

11.A. sharing        B. changing        C. collecting        D. rewriting

12.A. independent    B. kind            C. special           D. clever

13.A. stories        B. books           C. people            D. life

14. A. thicker        B. bigger          C. cheaper           D. better

15. A. preparing      B. arriving        C. waiting           D. cooking

16.A. decision       B. dinner          C. reading           D. shopping

17.A. answered       B. raised          C. thought of        D. left out 

18.A. talking        B. thinking        C. walking           D. sleeping

19.A. repaired       B. received        C. exchanged         D. removed

20.A. reason         B. act             C. question          D. problem


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】略

I’m sure that if you make good use of your ______ time, your English will be improved in a short time.

   A. extra           B. spare          C. common             D. former



He was a good student and scored(得分) _______ average in most subjects.

   A. below         B. of           C. on           D. above



Edward, you play so well. But I ______ you played the piano.

   A. didn’t know               B. hadn’t known

   C. don’t know                D. haven’t known



It’s not what you say but what you do that _______.

   A. counts         B. affects         C. controls           D. considers



I had confidence(信心) in my own youth and ______ no matter how hard the conditions in the western areas are.

   A. behavior         B. pressure           C. experience        D. energy



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