满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was grateful to Anna for being open an...

I was grateful to Anna for being open and giving me the opportunity to explain and ______ the misunderstanding between us.






B 【解析】略

After the meeting was over, the secretary _____ the new workers to the master’s office.







My Dad did not             the idea that I would go camping with my friends this weekend. He said it was dangerous for girls to live outside.

A.depend on

B.approve of

C.leave out

D.give up













其 他






Dear sir,

I’m writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families of the students from New Zealand.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




1.He asked his sister___________________________ (她将什么时候回家). (come)

2. She asked me ____________________________ (我是否看见了他) the day before. (see)

3.The museum ____________________ (我参观过的) years ago is now a school.

4.Do you still remember the day ______________________(我们见面) in the park?  (meet)

5.Only if you study hard ____________________ (你才能通过这次考试). (pass)

6. It was John _____________________ (把这些钥匙遗失在这) yesterday. (leave)

7. ______________________ (一旦你理解) the meaning of the poem, you will enjoy it very much. (once)

8.It was the third time that _______________ (他来到) to this mountain village to see the children. (come)

9.Although he is in poor health, ________________ (但是他依然努力工作).  (work)

10.No one knows ___________________ (中国会起什么作用) in the international business in the future. (part)



When Emily Beardmore first heard that a trip was being planned by the biology class at Windsor High School, she thought about how much fun it would be.

“I thought it would be a really good experience to go with other friends and teachers to another country in an environment other than a vacation environment,” the 17-year-old girl said.

A few months later, Emily got her chance when she and 14 of her classmates, along with biology teacher Tamara Pennington went to Costa Rica for eight days in late May.

“It was not just a tour,” said Pennington, who organized the trip. “You can go any place in the world on just a tour. This one was really working with the sea turtles (海龟) and practicing conservation(保护). It just seemed like the perfect science field trip for kids who think they want to get into science to see what it's really like to be out in the field and enjoy themselves.”

Emily said her time on the turtle program, which was the focus of the trip, was “crazy.”“We were walking on the beach at night and you can’t see anything—just see a big black dot.” She said with a laugh. “I was not expecting the turtles to be that big.” The turtles are leatherback turtles, which are becoming extinct (灭绝) because their eggs are used as food.

“When they would move their legs while laying their eggs they were really hard to control because they were a lot more powerful than you would imagine,” Emily said.

Once the eggs were collected, the students took them back to a hatchery(孵化场) and dug holes to copy the hole the mother turtle had made and then buried the eggs for the 60 days needed to hatch.

“The experience was so cool,” Emily said. “You go to another country to see what their culture is like and learn what their everyday lives are like. It made me really want to help out my mom a lot more than I do, and value what I have.”

1.What did Pennington consider the trip to be?

A.It was a common tour to a foreign country.

B.It was a journey to practice what students learned.

C.It was to attract students’ interest in science.

D.It was a trip to do practical science activities.

2.From what Emily said on her turtle program, we know that     .

A.she was afraid of walking on the beach at night

B.she didn’t dare to catch the powerful turtles

C.she had thought turtles were small animals

D.she got crazy at the sight of turtles at night

3.What did Emily learn from her experience?

A.She learned to be grateful to her teachers.

B.She understood the importance of what she had.

C.She realized the beauty of foreign culture.

D.She knew the importance of everyday life

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Teens Help Fight Turtle Extinction.

B.Teens Take a tour to Costa Rica.

C.Teens Have a Research on Turtles.

D.Teens Learn to be Independent.



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