满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One day a rabbit ran into an elephant. "...

One day a rabbit ran into an elephant. "Hello," said the rabbit. "Fine day, isn’t it?" The elephant stopped to look down at the tiny(小的) creature and shouted. "Leave me alone. I don’t have the time to waste on someone so small." The rabbit was shocked by the elephant’s words. Then he decided to ask the whale(鲸鱼) what she thought about the elephant’s rudeness. But the whale laughed at this tiny animal. The rabbit said, "You think that I am weak, but in fact, I am strong! I can beat you at Tug-of-War (拔河比赛)." The whale looked at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Very well, little one. Go and get a rope," she said. The rabbit ran off to find a strong and thick rope. Then he went to the elephant, "Elephant, I will beat you at a game of Tug-of-War." The elephant laughed loudly, but agreed to challenge the tiny animal. He tied the rope around his huge waist. The rabbit took the other end and ran away. He called back to the elephant, "When I say 'pull’, you start pulling. "The rabbit took the other end of the rope to the whale, "Tie this to your tail and when I say 'pull’,you swim." The whale tied the rope to her tail after laughing at the rabbit’s foolishness. Then the rabbit called out "PULL!" The elephant and the whale began pulling. After a while, they were too tired to continue. The elephant and the whale never knew how such a tiny creature could beat them. But from that day on, they said "hello" to the little rabbit with great respect whenever they met.

1.Why did the rabbit want a game of Tug-of-War?

   A. He wanted to show he was the best.

   B. He knew that he could do well in this game.

   C. He wanted to get respect from the elephant and the whale.

   D. He wanted to prove he wasn’t the tiniest animal.

2.What do you think of the rabbit according to the story?

   A. Smart and brave.              B. Tiny and stupid.

   C. Pride and naughty.             D. Poor and weak.

3.Why did the elephant and the whale lose the game?

  A. They didn’t prepare for it.

  B. They were not as strong as the rabbit.

  C. They were too impolite to the little rabbit.

  D. They actually fought with each other but not the rabbit.

4.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. The elephant was pleased to talk to the rabbit at first.

  B. It was the whale who suggested having a game of Tug-of-War.

  C. The rabbit was stronger than both the whale and the elephant.

  D. The whale and the elephant began to respect the rabbit from then on.


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 【解析】略

My basketball coach at Princeton used to say, "On the court, you can tell who is selfish(自私的)."

   When my sister Michelle brought Barack Obama home to meet the family, she said to me, "I want you to take him out to play, to see what type of man he is when he’s not around me." So I invited Barack to play basketball with a few friends of mine.

    I was very nervous although I had already met Barack a few times. I was thinking this guy seemed like a good guy. We played a hard five-on-five. He was thin but not weak. He played extremely left-handed. He dealt with everything perfectly. He wasn’t the best guy out there or the worst guy. I liked the fact that he was confident but wasn’t proud. Barack was very team-oriented (有团队精神的), very unselfish. He played as if he was one of us —he wasn’t trying to be president of Harvard Law Review. But the best part about it was that when we were on the same team, he did not pass me the ball each time. He wasn’t trying to suck up to my sister through me. I was glad to give my sister the good news, "Your boy is straight."

    He isn’t selfish, which is the greatest praise you can give both a player and a leader. America has got a guy who is running a government in an efficient (有效率的) manner. That’s the same guy I got to know playing basketball when he was visiting my family.

1. Why does the author begin the passage with his coach’s words?

 A. He wants to remember and thank his coach.

 B. He wants to show that he is a basketball player.

 C. He wants to tell his sister about the words.

 D. He wants to use the words to test a person.

2.Why did Michelle ask the author to take Barack to play basketball?

 A. To see whether he was confident.

 B. To see whether he was good at sports.

 C. To see whether he was selfish or not.

 D. To see whether he could get along with others.

3.During the basketball game, Barack ______.

 A. played best all the time        B. was strong enough to play

 C. was not confident             D. wanted to be the team leader

4. The underlined phrase in the third paragraph can be replaced by "______".

 A. please (使满意)   B. know about       C. help       D. look for




When I was 19,I had got a job in my local bookstore. Living in the large city,I usually saw many strange customers(顾客),most of __1._ were teenagers. They didn't come often;I forgot all the customers __2. two. One night a 15­year­old girl came in looking for __3.__ book with a boy. They seemed to find _4._ they wanted to buy. But __5._ they came to the counter(柜台),the girl found she was a dollar or two short to buy the book,and she pulled out all her money to prove it. She looked so  6. . Just then I remembered my discount(折扣)card and it was still active,so I told the girl __7._ to worry. I put in my code(密码),being happy that I could help them with this card. _8.__ the book in her hand she gave me a thankful smile,and then she and the boy got out of the store happily,leaving me feeling content,too. In fact sometimes a little thing can also make one's world beautiful.



I ran into(偶然撞到) a stranger as he passed by. “I'm so sorry !”was my reply. Then he said, “Excuse me too. I wasn't even __36__ you.” we were very polite, this stranger and I.

__37at home, we treat our loved ones differently. While I was cooking, my daughter came up to me quietly. When I turned, I nearly knocked(撞) her __38__. “Get out of the way!”I barked(咆哮). She ran away with her little heart broken. I didn't realize how __39_I'd spoken.

That night,as I lay awake in bed,God's quiet voice spoke to me, “While __40__ with a stranger,you're calm and polite, but with those you love, it’s easy for you to __41__. Go and look around on the kitchen floor. You'll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers she brought for you. She picked them herself. She stood there __42_, and you never saw the tears in her eyes.”

By this time,I felt sad and my own tears had begun to __43__. I quietly went and knelt by her bed, “wake up, my dear,” I said,“ are these the flowers you picked for me?” I asked. She __44_,“ I found them out by the tree. I knew you'd like them.”I said, “I'm so sorry that I missed them today. And I shouldn't have shouted at you that way.”She whispered,“ Mommy, that's okay...I still love you __45__.”I hugged (拥抱)her.

Are you aware that: if you die tomorrow, the company that you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family will feel the __46__ for the rest of their lives. We pour(倾注) ourselves more into our work  47   into our families—an unbalanced investment (投资)indeed.

1.A. noticing  B.knowing     C.following     D.understanding

2.A. And        B.So          C.As            D.But

3.A. off        B.down        C.up            D.at

4.A. quietly        B.clearly      C.difficultly      D.cruelly(残酷地)

5.A. dealing    B.seeing.      C.arguing          D.traveling

6.A. fight     B.excite       C.talk        D.mistake

7.A. quickly    B.excitedly     C.quietly         D.nervously

8.A. come       B.form        C.fall              D.fly

9.A. added          B.cried        C.smiled       D.agreed

10.A. seldom    B.anyway      C.however       D.therefore

11.A. loss          B.trouble       C.problem         D.care

12.A. same      B.more        C.as            D.than



In fact, I don’t  like the way ________ Mr. Wang deals with his students.

   A. with which    B. by which     C. from which      D. in which



______ the voice of her father, she was happy and ran out of the room to greet  him.

A. Heard        B. Hearing      C. Sounding       D. Sounded



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