满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

They ______ a small laboratory and devot...

They ______ a small laboratory and devoted every spare moment to this work.

A. picked up       B. put up            C. set up          D. grew up


C 【解析】略

“I’m certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, ___they maintained(断言), destroyed almost all of _____ they had in the summer of 1991.” Bill said.

A. which, what     B. as, which         C. as, that         D. as, what



— We are too busy to take ________ holiday at ________ present.

 — But I think we’ll be able to take ________ two weeks from now.

A. a ; / ; one      B. the ; / ; that     C. a ; the ; it     D  a; / ; it




1.向老师表示感谢 2.跟对你有误解的同学谈一谈 3.征求同学的宝贵意见 4.再为班级做件有意义的事情



 High school is regarded as the best time of my life. Besides classes and homework, there’s some thing that I especially treasure. In order to leave school with no regrets…










   Reading English newspapers are my favorite activity. When I entered into high school, I began to enjoy doing such work. Under the teacher’s help, I realize that reading English articles is of great important. It’s a good way to improve my English. I’ve learned many new words and expression by doing so. I also get much information, included news about China and the world outside. It opened my eyes widely. That I love most is the section about TV programs in the coming week. I dislike reading long articles there are many new words. I will work hard to keep on even it’s a particularly hard task for me.




Want to be happier and healthier? Be nicer to yourself! According to a study recently reported on The New York Times, people who score high on tests of self-compassion(自怜) are less depressed, less anxious, and often more optimistic. 1._____

“They believe self-criticism is what keeps then in line(符合常规的). Most people have gotten it wrong because our culture says being hard on yourself is the way to be.” says Kristin Neff, a professor of human development at the University of Texas. In fact, it’s better to go easy on yourself. 2.______

Try writing about a problem you have that you think is your weakness. 3. ______ Scared, sad, depressed, insecure or angry? Be as honest as possible.

Now think about an imaginary friend who is unconditionally accepting and kind. 4.______What would this friend say to you about your weakness in this letter? As you write, try to fill your letter with a strong sense of his/her acceptance, kindness, caring, and desire for your health and happiness.

After writing the letter, put it down for a while. 5.____Really understand and agree with the words in the letter. That’s to say, accept your weakness. Actually, it’s not as bad as you think.


A.Write a letter to yourself from this person’s point of view.

B.Such as your physical appearance or a work or relationship problem.

C.And people who score low in these tests often treat themselves strictly and enjoy self-criticism.

D.Then come back and read it from your point of view.

E.Here are some tips you can follow to change your self-critical habits.

F.If you care about yourself, treat yourself really strictly.

G.Then write down how this weakness makes you feel inside.



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