满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Welcome to Cöteborg University Cöteborg ...

Welcome to Cöteborg University

    Cöteborg University is one of Sweden’s largest and most popular universities.

    We are very proud of this and believe that there are several reasons for our popularity. The principal reasons we believe to be the high quality of our education and research and the broad range of courses that we offer. In addition to this, Cöteborg University provides an attractive and exceptionally(格外的)high-standard study environment. Most parts of the university are situated in the city centre and this enriches city life as well as student life.

    Cöteborg has a lot to offer its students: it has a rich and varied cultural life with many theatres, concerts and festivals. For those looking for outdoor life, forests and vast recreation(娱乐)areas are not far away from the city centre; the sea and the archipelago(群岛)are also within easy reach. Industry and commerce are expanding, and have a joint interest with the University in meeting the ever-changing and growing demands of society.

    Cöteborg University strives(努力)to be an attractive choice for students from all over the world.

We look forward to welcoming you to Cöteborg University.

1.The main reasons for Cöteborg University’s popularity according to the passage is ______ .

A. the high quality education and research and the wide range of courses

B. the convenient traffic

C. its excellent location and fast developing economical environment

D. famous professors and friendly students

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The university is in the city centre.

B. The students can live outdoor.

C. The cultural life of the university is very rich.

D. The University has no interest in growing demands of society.

3.What’s the main purpose of this passage?

A. To bring fame to Cöteborg University.

B. To introduce the wonderful cultural life in Cöteborg University.

C. To declare Cöteborg University’s goal and interest.

D. To attract students all over the world to apply for Cöteborg University.


1.A 2.C 3.D 【解析】略

Most people who work in London get a break of about an hour for lunch.  36  they mostly live too far from home to go back there  37  lunch, they have to  38  other arrangements for their midday meal.

Many large companies have a canteen (自助食堂) for their employees. In  39  canteens the food served is simple but  40 , and there is some  41  of choice. But the number of dishes  42 usually small. The employees themselves fetch their dishes  43  a counter at which they are  44. There they can find a tray on  45  to carry their knives, forks, spoons, plates, cups, saucers,  46, of course, their food. A meal in a canteen is inexpensive and may  47  of soup, fish and chips or meat and two vegetables,  48  fruit or pudding of some  49  as dessert. Some companies that do not run a canteen  50  their staff with luncheon-vouchers (午餐券), which many restaurants will accept in 51  of money.

As there are so many people  52  work in London, there are numerous cafes and restaurants in every area that is not purely residential. A meal  53  cost anything from a modest sum to quite a few pounds,  54  on the restaurant and the food chosen.  55 , one can generally get a meal, or at least a snack, in a pub. In recent years there has also been a big increase in the number of ‘take-away’ food shops of all kinds.

1.A. Unless            B. As                   C. If               D. Although

2. A. for               B. at                   C.of                D. in

3. A. take                  B. bring             C. make                D. use

4.A. such              B. few              C. so                   D. little

5.A. full                B. limited             C. extra              D. enough

6.A. exchange           B. variety              C. change           D. difference

7. A. are                   B. is                   C. being                D. be

8.A. to                 B. with             C. at                   D. from

9.A. sold               B. served               C. made             D. kept

10.A. which             B. it                   C. except               D. instead

11.A. or                 B. but               C. and               D. except

12.A. consist               B. compose          C. compare          D. insist

13.A. along             B. with             C. about                D. at

14.A. sort              B. pattern              C. category         D.content

15.A. prepare               B. repair               C. afford               D. provide

16. A. space                B. case             C. face             D. place

17.A. at                    B. above            C. over             D. by

18.A. must              B. may              C.should            D. could

19.A. taking                B. turning          C. depending            D. bringing

20. A. Besides          B.However           C. Never                D. More



— Alice , would you like to see the 3D film with me tonight ?

     — ________ , I’d rather stay at home reading some novels .

   A. I’m with you on that            B. Let’s get going     

C. It isn’t my cup of tea            D. What’s going on



— Do you mind if I open the window?

— ______ I feel a bit cold.

A.Of course not.                       B.I would rather you didn't.

C.Go ahead.        D.Why not?



At the sight of the snake, the little girl _____ move.

A. dares not            B. doesn’t dare to      C. dare not to          D. dares not to



People all over the country felt shocked _______ they heard of the news ______eight children were killed at the school gate . 

   A. the moment , that   B. when , which  C. immediately , /    D. the second , what



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