满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We’ve asked our neighbors to ________ th...

We’ve asked our neighbors to ________ the house when we are away on vacation.

A. keep an eye on     B. have an eye on     C. have an eye for   D. get an eye on


A 【解析】略

I was just to cut my rose bushes but someone ________ it. Was it you?

A. has done      B. had done     C. would do      D. will do



----- Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

   ---- Sorry . With so much work ___________ my mind , I almost break down.

A. filled      B. filling            C. to fill           D. being filled



-----I wonder if you could go with me to the supermarket.

------- Don't disturb me. I _____________my experiment report all the morning and haven't finished yet.

A.write      B. was writing       C. have written     D. have been writting



Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself ________ of his own dreams.

A.reminding     B. to remind      C. reminded           D. remind        



-----Do you have a minute ? I've got something to tell you.

   -----OK, ___________ you make it short.

A.now that       B. if only        C. so long as          D. every time



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