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The radio club in our school, which is i...

The radio club in our school, which is in _____ charge of Hao Zhe, is much more than just ____ music for everyone.

A./; /

B./; the

C.the; /

D.the; the


C 【解析】略

任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


The health dangers of smoking have been well reported. For years, doctors have warned that smoking can cause lung cancer. Studies also have linked smoking to several other kinds of cancer, heart attacks and other diseases, lung diseases, and a number of other medical problems. The repeated health warnings have had an effect. Thousands of people have stopped smoking. But as many people have learned, stopping smoking can be very difficult.

A major problem apparently is the nicotine, a poisonous substance found in tobacco. Small amounts of nicotine are released as tobacco is burned. And over many years of smoking, a person’s body becomes dependenton the substance. A try to stop smoking brings the problems of nicotine withdrawal(脱瘾过程).

American medical researchers have found that nicotine withdrawal causes people to become angry very easily, aggressive, worried and unable to think sharply. Many people who have tried to stop smoking would confirm those findings.

To help people give up smoking, some tobacco companies have proposed chewing tobacco, or using snuff as safe substitutes(替代物). Snuff is a tobacco powder that usually is breathed in. But many people put it between their gum and cheek.

A group of British scientists said recently that many lives could be saved by a major program to get cigarette smokers to change to snuff. An American scientist, Allan Blum, disagreed. Dr. Blum argued that snuff, put in the mouth, can cause gum disease, teeth problems and throat problems that lead to cancer. Dr. Blum also warned against chewing tobacco as a substitute for smoking. He said chewing tobacco can lead to cancer of the mouth, throat or digestive system.

Medical researchers say another possible substitute for smoking is a special nicotine chewing gum. The gum is already sold in Europe and Canada. A report says research shows that the chewing gum will increase the amount of nicotine in a person’s blood. This helps satisfy some people’s desire for a cigarette. However, the report says, the chewing gum also leads to some unpleasant side effects. And it may be dangerous for people with heart problems.

Two other American scientists say they have found that the most effective way to stop smoking is to do it completely, suddenly, all at once. The report by Saul Shirtman and Dr. Murray Jogbett says that by stopping all at once, the worst problems of nicotine withdrawal are over in just a few days. But, they say, by continuing to smoke, even a little less each day, the problems of withdrawal never end completely.

Bad effects of smoking

Many kinds of disease and a number of other medical (91)    are connected with smoking.

 Difficulty in stopping smoking

The (92)   ▲  for this is that smokers are (93)   ▲  on nicotine, a poisonous substance in tobacco, and people (94)   ▲  to stop smoking have emotional problems and are unable to think sharply.

(95)   ▲  to stop smoking

Looking for substitutes for smoking


Causing gum disease, teeth problems and throat problemsthat (96)  cancer.

Chewing tobacco

Causing cancer of the mouth, throat or digestive system

Nicotine chewing gum

◆ Helping satisfy some people’s desire for a cigarette by (97)   

the amount of nicotine in one’s


◆ Having some side effects and being dangerous for people who (98)   ▲  from heart problems.

Giving up smoking  (99)  , suddenly, all at once

In a few days, the worst problems of nicotine withdrawal no longer (100)   ▲ .



按要求完成句子 (10分)


You must always __________ __________ ___________ the traffic here.


________ ________ _________ to take care of your health.


________ _________ _________ ,he had a ________ _________.


John felt in his bag for the key, but it was_________ _________ __________ ___________


Nowadays she ________ _________ __________exercise_________ _________her appearance



单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)


1.The crowd __________(惊慌) at the sound of the explosion.

2.It’s useful to read some _____________(简写) English stories.

3. I’m sorry the book you want is not ________(可获得的)now, but you can choose others related to the same topic. 

4.I’m afraid it isn’t a __________(方便的) time; could we fix another day?

5. She wore so much _________(珠宝) that she seemed to be covered in gold.

6.He was o        with an English story so that he didn’t hear someone come in.

7.With the midterm examination a_________, the students are working harder and harder.

8.Old English c____________ of Celtic, and the languages of the Angles and the Saxons, which once conquered Britain, and the Vikings.

9.The college is not an o__________recognized Spanish language school.

10.The twins are so alike that we have much difficulty in d______________ one from the other.



 Autumn and winter are cold and flu seasons. Will the old advice about dressing warmly help prevent a cold, or if you get sick, should you follow the old saying, “feed a cold and starve a fever?” And what about that fever? Should you take medicine to reduce your temperature, or is it better to let the body treat the fever itself? Everyone seems to have an answer. But is popular wisdom valuable?

Doctor Nelson knows a lot about cold and flu seasons. Nelson says research may be just starting to provide proofs for long-held beliefs. For example, scientists for years were against the idea that getting cold and wet might cause colds or flu. But recent studies have shown that cold temperatures cause stress on the body, and that stress can create conditions more inviting to viruses. So maybe it does make sense to wrap up warmly before going outside.

And what about feeding a cold and starving a fever? Nelson says if you have a cold and are hungry, you should eat. But a fever, especially a high one, suggests a more serious problem. He says people are usually not hungry when they have a high fever. Eating might even make a person sick. But drinking enough water is important. A fever easily makes the body lose water.

Finally, when should you treat a fever? Nelson says a fever should be treated if it stays at

40℃ or above for a day or more. A high temperature can damage brain cells. The doctor also believes in treating a fever if it prevents a person from sleeping.

Medicine like aspirin, for example, can be used to reduce pain and fever. But aspirin should not be given to children because it can cause serious problems.

1.We can learn from the passage that Doctor Nelson________.

A.doesn’t believe in the old advice about preventing colds

B.is now trying his best to provide proofs for long-held beliefs.

C.doesn’t think it necessary to see a doctor immediately if a person has a temperature of 40℃

D.doesn’t think it necessary to treat a fever even if it prevents someone from sleeping.

2.According to Doctor Nelson, if someone catches a fever, he should________.

A.bathe in cold water

B.drink enough water

C.try to eat something

D.take some exercise outside

3.Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage?

A.When people should treat a fever

B.Whether the old advice about preventing a cold is valuable.

C.What the medicine , aspirin, is used for.

D.Why people should eat when having a cold.

4.The passage suggests that_______.

A.aspirin can damage train cells if an adult takes too much of it.

B.it is easier for people to catch colds when their bodies are stressed.

C.some old advice about preventing colds doesn’t make any sense.

D.the idea that getting cold can cause flu was proved true years ago.



After we finished thirteen miles of hiking, we were tired and our muscles ached as we made our way back to New England. The car ride to the airport followed by a two-hour flight left our legs more worse condition than they were when we first came off the mountain we just climbed.

When we heard that two seats in first class on our next flight were available for a bit higher price, we jumped at the opportunity. Our spirits lifted immediately. After all, flying first class was a new experience for us, and we would end our adventure in comfort and style.

As we boarded the plane, we noticed that the stewardess(空姐) was working non-stop to ensure the comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat without receiving an order. How much she must love her job! She smiled kindly at each one while attending to their needs.

As the stewardess walked by our seats near the end of the flight, I looked at her and said, “Thank you and I hope you have a great night.” She stopped, bent down, looked at me and said, “Excuse me.” I repeated my words and she smiled in a rather funny way, almost as if I had asked her a question that she did not know how to answer.

After a few moments she returned to our seats. “I can tell you work with the public,” she said. “Why do you think so?” I asked. She answered very quietly, “Because you are the only passenger here to say something nice to me tonight and I really appreciate your kindness.”

The sense of belonging to the elite(精英) group of people in first class disappeared as we heard her words. Our first class seats offered us more than a comfortable ride. We were reminded that without kindness, we would be flying in no class.

1.Where did the writer ever go hiking?

A.In a forest

B.In a mountain

C.Along a river

D.Near an airport

2.Why did they choose to take a first class flight?

A.Because they were extremely tired

B.Because they wanted to go back as soon as possible

C.Because the tickets were cheaper

D.Because they wanted to enjoy the first class service.

3.After boarding the plane, the writer felt_______.





4.When the stewardess first heard what the writer said, she_________.

A.didn’t understand the writer

B.knew what work the writer did

C.didn’t believe her ears

D.had a big smile on her face



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