满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The traveler _______ his coat on a stone...

The traveler _______ his coat on a stone and _______ down to have a rest.

A. lay; lay         B. laid; lay            C. laid; laid           D. lied; lied


B 【解析】略

The ______ look on the manager’s face suggested that he _______ to overcome the difficulty.

A. determined; be determined                B. determined; was determined

C. determining; determine                   D. determining; determined



I told her we weren’t going to be friends any more because she couldn’t ________ .

A. keep her word                    B. have her word

C. keep her words                   D. have her words



The world’s population has grown by ______ it was in 1800.  

A. more than six times that      B. six times more than that

C. more than six times what     D. six times as many as



He failed in the driving test again. He_______.

A. must have disappointed      B. must have been disappointed

C. might be disappointed       D. couldn’t be disappointed



In his first speech as victor, Obama said, “There are many who won’t agree with every decision or policy I make as ________ president, and we know that government can’t solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about ________ challenges we face.”

A. a; /             B. the; the         C. /; the           D. the; /



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