满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Don’t you think it interesting that ther...

Don’t you think it interesting that there were strange coincidences(巧合) in the deaths of President Kennedy and President Lincoln? For example, John Kennedy was elected president in 1960 while Abraham Lincoln in 1860, between which was a hundred years. Both men were killed from behind, on black Friday , and with their wives on the spot. The two men were born exactly one hundred years away, as were their murderers, Lee Oawald and John Booth. Perhaps the strangest coincidence is that President Kennedy’s secretary , whose name was Lincoln, advised the president not to go to Dallas, where the president was shot. President Lincoln’s secretary, named Kennedy, advised the president not to go to the Ford Theatre, where the president met his death.

1.When President Lincoln and President Kennedy were killed, their wives were_______.

A. at the cinema     B. at home     C. behind them      D. with them

2.“Black Friday” means that ________.

A. the American used to be in black on the two Fridays.

B. the two Fridays saw sad happenings

C. it was dark when the two men were killed

D. it was cloudy when the two men were killed

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Lincoln’s death had something to do with Kennedy’s

B. There were one hundred years between the two presidents’ deaths

C. There were one hundred years from Lincoln’s taking office to Kennedy’s

D. The two secretaries were born on the same day


1.D 2.B 3.C 【解析】略

There was a sweet, wonder-filled little girl who was hurt over and over again. She  36  that she was so bad that others just couldn’t be  37  to her.

   She asked many wise people to help her  38  why she was so bad that even her mother hurt her, and why she was unable to be  39  so that others wouldn’t hurt her. So she was on a  40  that she thought was to help her be “better”, but she carried a big  41  with her everywhere she went.  42  was all the hurt she had experienced. During the trip she willingly  43  what the wise people said about forgiving(宽恕).

    After 50 years, she decided to  44  the bag up and just see what happened. When she looked inside it was filled with bits of paper. Once they had  45  on them, detailing the hurt. But as time went on, the words  46  slowly. She had been carrying this bag that held nothing  47  the image of something that once was.

    The little girl had now become an almost-old woman. She  48  the silliness of carrying that bag around. She started  49  and dancing and she felt free!

    She was able to see that her  50  loved her child, but was  51  that her little girl felt unloved. By throwing away the bag of paper and forgiving those who  52  her, she looked in the mirror and said, “I am clever, interesting and kind.” But most  53  , she was able to say “I am lovable.”  54  it took many years, she was finally open to bringing  55  into her life.

    She finally saw the sweet, wonder-filled little girl that she had always been.

1.A. decided           B. considered      C. promised       D. hoped      

2.A. bad               B. sorry           C. thankful       D. nice       

3. A. guess            B. understand      C. expect         D. intvent    

4.A. better            B. worse           C. angrier        D. harder     

5. A. holiday          B. date            C. trip           D. path      

6.A. bowl              B. basket          C. bag            D. purse       

7.A. Under             B. Above           C. Outside        D. Inside      

8.A. agreed with       B. fought against  C. gave up        D. suffered from       

9.A. pick              B. open            C. put            D. break       

10.A. pictures         B. memories        C. words          D. dreams       

11.A. disappeared      B. appeared        C. showed         D. changed       

12.A. and              B. with            C. among          D. but        

13.A. refused          B. forgot          C. realized       D. preferred         

14.A. crying           B. laughing        C. shouting       D. worrying      

15.A. daughter         B. mother          C. teacher        D. friend   

16.A. sad              B. happy           C. excited        D. hopeful

17. A. liked           B. hurt            C. educated       D. ignored

18.A. surprisingly     B. terribly        C. nervouslyD. importantly

19.A. Although         B. If              C. Because        D. So

20.A. trouble   B. love C. money    D. future



It was required that the tall building _______ at present because it is still new.

A. not pulled down                 B. was not pulled down

C. not being pulled down            D. not be pulled down



This box is so heavy that he cannot lift it. ________, he is only a ten-year-old child.                      

   A. In all          B. Above all       C. At all         D. After all



In this country, coal      electricity.

 A. is used to produce                    B. is used to produced

C. is used to producing               D. used to produce



Mike along with his mother _______ to blame for the mistakes they had made.

A. is              B. was          C. are            D were



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