满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Victor apologized for __________ to inf...

 Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan.

   A. his being not able            B. him not to be able  

C. his not being able            D. him to be not able


C 【解析】略

Not only Jack but also his parents ________ the home accident.

   A. is to blame on              B. are to blame for

 C. is blamed for               D. are to be blamed for



What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ___________ it better.

   A. need have done             B. must have done

   C. can have done              D. might have done



The Tower of London is _______ the Church tower.

A.twice high than                B.two times high as

 C.three times the height of         D.twice as higher as



_____________ many times, the problems were settled at last.

   A. Having discussed     B. Being discussed    C. To be discussed   D. Discussed



---Who would you rather ________ the English Speech Contest?

  ---- Li Ping, I think , is the best choice.

   A. have attend    B. attend      C. have attended     D. attending



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