满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She was so lost in her own thought that ...

She was so lost in her own thought that she was not _____ the coming danger .

   A. careful about    B. interested in     C. concerned with      D. aware of


D 【解析】略

The doctor recommended I _____ here ______ the sunshine before I started for home .

A. came… to     B. come … for     C. would … with   D. will come … in



The average price of commercial houses in our city has reduced by _____ 30 percent ,so we can buy one at _____ low price .

A.   the; the        B.   the; /     C.  /; a             D.  /; the






1. 水、电

2. 餐厅的食物

3. 纸张、书本


1. 浪费资源

2. 形成坏习惯,不利于品德养成

3. 浪费金钱,增加父母经济负担




Dear friends,

May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.

Nowadays, some of us students have formed some bad habits on campus.

For example, _______________________________________________________



But how to reduce the waste? In my opinion, _______________________________




That’s all. Thank you!






The Swiss eat as a pastime. Ladies walk into a teashop, eat a couple of ice creams and a large piece of chocolate cake, and then leave, complaining about their weight.]

For the Americans, the greatest fondness is said to be the push of buttons. You push a button in the lift, you push a button for cigarette, chewing gums, stamps, even for a life insurance. You can even push a button to get married and another button to get divorced.

In England, waiting in a line is national passion. The English will form a line whether they have the opportunity or not. Long queues can be seen, for example, at stations when the train is practically empty and everybody can have a seat.

In different (1)__▲___

What people like to do best

In France

People love to discuss how a woman (2)___▲____, what she did in the past and what she will be in the future.

Women like to (3)___▲___ in the street to get back confidence.

In Italy

People sit in café, (4)___▲___ with each other, and sometimes they even ask about some (5)___▲___ information.

In Swiss

Ladies eat a lot of fatty (6)___▲____ but they often (7)___▲___ having done so.

In the (8)__▲__

It seems that you can do almost everything (9)__▲___ pushing buttons.

In England

The whole nation love to (10)___▲___in a line almost anywhere and anytime.



O。Henry wasa pen name used by an America writer of short stories.His real namewas WilliamSydney


1.People enjoyed reading O. Henry’s stories because

   A. they had surprise endings              B. they were easy to understand

   C. they showed his love for the poor D. they were about New York City

2. O. Henry went to prison because        .

   A. people thought he had stolen money from the newspaper

   B. he broke the law by not using his own name

   C. he wanted to write stories about prisoners

   D. people thought he had taken money that was not his

3.What do we know about O. Henry before he began writing?

   A. He was well-educated.            B. He was not serious about his work.

   C. He was devoted to the poor.          D. He was very good at learning.

4. Where did O. Henry get most material for his short stories?

   A. His life inside the prison.           B. The newspaper articles he wrote.

   C. The city and people of New York.      D. His exciting early life as a boy.



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