满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The number of deaths from heart disease ...

The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _____ to eat more fruit and vegetables.

A. persuade       B. will persuade      C. be persuaded    D. are persuaded


D 【解析】略

She was so lost in her own thought that she was not _____ the coming danger .

   A. careful about    B. interested in     C. concerned with      D. aware of



The doctor recommended I _____ here ______ the sunshine before I started for home .

A. came… to     B. come … for     C. would … with   D. will come … in



The average price of commercial houses in our city has reduced by _____ 30 percent ,so we can buy one at _____ low price .

A.   the; the        B.   the; /     C.  /; a             D.  /; the






1. 水、电

2. 餐厅的食物

3. 纸张、书本


1. 浪费资源

2. 形成坏习惯,不利于品德养成

3. 浪费金钱,增加父母经济负担




Dear friends,

May I have your attention, please? Now I’d like to make a speech here.

Nowadays, some of us students have formed some bad habits on campus.

For example, _______________________________________________________



But how to reduce the waste? In my opinion, _______________________________




That’s all. Thank you!






The Swiss eat as a pastime. Ladies walk into a teashop, eat a couple of ice creams and a large piece of chocolate cake, and then leave, complaining about their weight.]

For the Americans, the greatest fondness is said to be the push of buttons. You push a button in the lift, you push a button for cigarette, chewing gums, stamps, even for a life insurance. You can even push a button to get married and another button to get divorced.

In England, waiting in a line is national passion. The English will form a line whether they have the opportunity or not. Long queues can be seen, for example, at stations when the train is practically empty and everybody can have a seat.

In different (1)__▲___

What people like to do best

In France

People love to discuss how a woman (2)___▲____, what she did in the past and what she will be in the future.

Women like to (3)___▲___ in the street to get back confidence.

In Italy

People sit in café, (4)___▲___ with each other, and sometimes they even ask about some (5)___▲___ information.

In Swiss

Ladies eat a lot of fatty (6)___▲____ but they often (7)___▲___ having done so.

In the (8)__▲__

It seems that you can do almost everything (9)__▲___ pushing buttons.

In England

The whole nation love to (10)___▲___in a line almost anywhere and anytime.



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