满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

No other countries could , nor could sla...

No other countries could        , nor could slaves         women.

A. join; or          B. join in; or       C. join; and         D. join in; and


B 【解析】略

Bad habits are not always easy to        ; it needs your determination.

A. remove            B. be removing       C. be removed        D. be moved



        is known to all that the Amber Room belongs to the Russians.

A. As                B. Which             C. It                D. What



根据下面所给信息,给China Daily写一篇英语报道,介绍此次活动,并说说你的看法。


1. 参考词汇:杂草weeds   警示牌signs  分类sort out  宣传单leaflets

2. 词数150左右,内容要连贯,可以适当发挥。



选择填空 (满分6分)

     take on   compete in  hold out  on one’s own  be greedy 

      burst in    adapt to   repair   argue with   pass away  

1.There is no need _______her, for it is not up to her to make the final decision.

2.I used to watch cars _______ in the garage when I was young.

3.During harvest seasons, farmers all _______ extra workers to help get in the crops.

4. The guide desired to know how long their food __________.

5.It so happened that the merchant was accused of ______ in public.

6. To succeed in living abroad ,you must learn ________ the foreign customs there.



单词拼写 (满分5分)

1.The restaurants offer a wide v______ of dishes , from Asian to western food.

2. Susan has had a strong a_______ for music since the age of 8.

3.The house is_______( 看不见的 ) from the road because of the tall trees surrounding it,

4. At weekends, the buses and underground trains are often c_____ with many people.

5.China has been trying to ______( 加强 ) its economic ties with European countries.

6. He never complains about anything. He’s always optimistic and p______.

7.The girl had a strong m_____ to learn crosstalk as a child ,but soon he quitted his dream.

8.Last month, an earthquake hit the area, c_______ great damage to it.

9.Having failed twice, the biologist was ____( 决心 ) to continue the experiment on wildlife.

10.The guest was put up in the hotel _______( 暂时地 ),and then stayed with his hostess.



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