满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The victims of the accident demanded tha...

The victims of the accident demanded that the case _____ into at once and they _____ a reasonable explanation and a just treatment.

A. would be looked; would be given       B. should look; give 

C. be looked; be given                   D. be looked; give


C 【解析】略

The policeman was ________ abusing his power when performing his duty, but it hasn’t been ______ yet.

A. charged with; confirmed      B. blamed for; approved  

C. assessed ; proved            D. accused of; proved



Only through constant practice can the ability of using a foreign language be _______.

A. earned     B. acquired    C. gained    D. achieved



She ________ on her work so much that she didn’t notice that a crowd of people had _______around her.

A. focused; focused             B. fixed; gathered  

C. concentrated; concentrated     D. carried; collected



The doctor, ________ by several nurses, successfully performed the difficult operation on the patient. 

 A. aided     B. assisted     C. helped     D. guided



People tend to live more happily and longer if they are ________ about life.

A. pessimistic    B. enthusiastic    C. optimistic     D. terrific



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