满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Well _____ remember the day I ______ a w...

Well _____ remember the day I ______ a wild tigar.

A. I did; saw   B. did I; have seen   C. do I; am seeing    D. do I; saw


D 【解析】略

After the meeting, she invited us to dinner at her home and treated us _____ many exotic foods we _____ before. It was really a wonderful treat.

A. with; had never tasted     B. to; have never tasted 

C. with; have never tasted    D. to; had never tasted



_______not to be late for the meeting, we arrived forty minutes _______ the required time, but after _____seemed hours of waiting, we were informed the meeting had been canceled.

A. So as; ahead of; what       B. In order; ahead of; what   

C. So as; in advance of; it      D. In order; ahead of; it



The victims of the accident demanded that the case _____ into at once and they _____ a reasonable explanation and a just treatment.

A. would be looked; would be given       B. should look; give 

C. be looked; be given                   D. be looked; give



The policeman was ________ abusing his power when performing his duty, but it hasn’t been ______ yet.

A. charged with; confirmed      B. blamed for; approved  

C. assessed ; proved            D. accused of; proved



Only through constant practice can the ability of using a foreign language be _______.

A. earned     B. acquired    C. gained    D. achieved



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