满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You must set off at once, ______you woul...

You must set off at once, ______you would be late for school.    

A. then       B. and        C. otherwise     D. so


C 【解析】略

高阶三段学习比较紧张,正确的学习方法尤为重要。下表显示了两位同学不同的学习方法,请简述并发表你的观点。 字数在100—120之间。文章开头已经给出。














参考词汇: attentively  专心              energetic  精力旺盛

           concentrate on  集中精力于     effectively  有效地


Li Ming and Li Hua are two students of Senior Two.Both of them work hard but they have different learning methods.__________________________________                     ____ __                                                                                                          _                                                                                    



Some day I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ, there people were chatting in English. I tried to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the oral English of some junior students were better than me. I asked them for advice and they told me to practise more on QQ. But every day after that I would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ. Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions. With time went by, I found that I could even communicate some college students freely.




Home can be a great place for children to study.It's important to provide a workspace of their own where they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.

●Location (位置)

2.____ Kitchen and dining room are not so well suited for regular study,since books and pens get in the way of the day­to­day uses of those areas.Set up a place where a child can settle in and leave papers and pens at hand without having to clear everything away each night.For a child that likes being alone,set aside a corner of his bedroom,but keep it separate from things like games,music and other hobbies not related to studying.

●Keeping Things in Order

Parents should encourage their child to spread out,but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn't using his workspace.Ownership is very important for self­respect 3.__      The workplace should be personal,but not another part of the playroom.


Encourage the whole family to help build a supportive environment that children need for success in school.Give them a good example of how to deal with problems,how to manage time and get things done in the right way.5.____Study will be more enjoyable and effective when supported by the whole family.

A.Attitude Is Everything

B.Bring Organization into Your Home

C.Here are several ways to choose a location.

D.Building a Good Home Learning Environment

E.Hold a can­do attitude and your child will follow your example.

F.Setting up a space in a common area of your home can be a good idea for children.

G.A child who learns to organize his space will carry organization into every corner of his life.




Section One

The city is an accumulation of human civilization. Just as the American social philosopher (哲学家) Lewis Mumford put it, it is a special system which, fine and compact, has been designed to preserve the fruits of human civilization. Many Western languages have developed their versions of the term “civilization” from the same Latin (拉丁语的) word “civitas”(meaning “city”), and it is by no means a coincidence. The city has played a significant role in the perfection of order in human society.

Section Two

The emblem, showing the image of three people ― you, me, him/her holding hands together, symbolizes the big family of mankind. Inspired by the shape of the Chinese character “世” (meaning the world), the design conveys the organizers' wish to host an Expo which is of global scale and which displays the various urban cultures of the world.

Section Three

Created from the inspiration of Chinese character “人”, the design roots deeply in Chinese culture. It tells the world the eternal core (永恒的核心) and theme of Shanghai World Expo will be always human. The mascot “Haibao” will become the messenger for the theme of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China “Better City, Better Life”.

The basic structure of the Chinese character “人” in which each stroke(一笔,一划) supports each other also shows the concept that the beautiful life should depends on mutual-help. If the human are willing to support one another, the harmony among human, nature, and society will be available. Such an urban life will be nice.

Haibao’s confident smile is expressing his sincere greeting from China ― “World Expo 2010 Shanghai China welcomes you!”

1. Section One mainly tells us about ______.

    A. the part cities play in human civilization  

B. the development of the word “city”

C. why the Expo is held in Shanghai       

D. where human civilization originated

2. The underlined word “it” in Section One refers to ______.

    A. the civilization    B. the philosopher   C. the word    D. the city

3. Which correctly matches the sections with the pictures described in the passage?






Section One

Section Two

Section Three


Section Two

Section Three

Section One


Section Three

Section Two

Section One


Section Three

Section One

Section Two

4. The second paragraph in Section Three explains how the creation is connected with the _____ of the Chinese word “人”.

    A. story            B. meaning       C. shape         D. usage



Lillian Hanson, a college student, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs Hanson different from her classmates is her age-----73 years. She has been studying at college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.

  When Lillian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the bank to borrow money for further education. The banker gave her no encouragement. He didn't think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college. He thought she should be at home doing work in the house or around the farm. So Lillian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college. Mrs Hanson never forgot her dream of getting a higher education. When her children were grown, she tried again.

  She finds that it is the hardest part of going back to school at her age to sit in class for long periods of time. Because she is not as quick as she used to be, Mrs Hanson often gets up and walks around classes to keep from getting stiff(不灵活). At the beginning of a course in using the computer, the other students all stood up to give her a warm welcome when she introduced herself and explained why she was there and what her aims were.

1.Mrs Hanson couldn’t go to college immediately after she graduated from high school because _____.

  A. she hadn't got enough money         B. she was a country girl

  C. the banker ordered her not to borrow any money

  D.the banker thought she should raise a family of nine children

2.The computer students welcomed Mrs Hanson warmly because ______.

  A. she had got an excellent result in the exam

  B. she was good at telling funny stories

  C. they wanted to get her help in their studies

  D. they were deeply moved by her spirit

3. Mrs Hanson is the sort of person who ________.

  A. cares for study very much    B. likes to borrow money from the bank

  C. never misses a chance to talk   D. tries to save any money for her family

4. In which order did Mrs Hanson do the following things?

  a. she began her studies at college.         b. She finished high school.

  c. She got married and gave birth of nine children.

  d. She had her 73 rd birthday.     e. She went to the bank to borrow money.

  A. a c b e d          B. b e c a d         C. b c e d a        D. e d a c b



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