满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—— What do you think of Yuan Longping? ...

 —— What do you think of Yuan Longping?     

—— ______ man of ______ great achievement.

 A. The; /       B. / ; /        C. A; the         D. A; /


D 【解析】略




●  阅读兴趣不浓;

●  作业多,阅读时间少;

●  合适的阅读材料不多。



注意:1. 文章必须包括表格中的全部内容,可适当增加细节;

2. 建议可面向学生或教师提出,但至少写三条;

3. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,只需接着写;

4. 词数:100词左右。

参考词汇:合适的suitable  材料material

Recently, our school has done a survey of students’ English reading situation, but the results are no pleasing.                                                     













Yesterday I had visited the Kings.It was my first to a Australian family.They live in a small town.It was kindly of them to meet me at the railway station or drive me to their home.The Kings did his best to make me feel at home.They offered me coffee and the other drinks.We have a good time talking and laughing together.They was eager to know something about China and asked me lots of question.In fact they are planning visit China next year.



1.Anne’s sister Margot was very u        that the family had to move.

2.She s       from loneliness,but she had to learn to like it there.

3.One evening when it was so warm,I stayed awake on p        .

4.I don’t want to set down a s      of facts in a diary as many people do.

5.It was based more on German than the English we speak at p        .

6.Can you find the following command and r        from reading?

7.Which kind of t       do you prefer to use?

8.I am f       of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming.

9.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in r         .

10.People began to wonder how long the d        would last.




6ec8aac122bd4f6eA.Rare Animals

A lot of pictures about Australia’s animal life.This picture book was made last year by one of Australia’s best-known photographer Dongie Bond.He spent over 200 hours filming the birds,animals and fish that live in this beautiful continent and for the first time brings some of these unusual animals to the book.

B.Latest Discovery

The book describes the latest in technology and medicine,especially introducing how these technology and medicine work for people.

C.Funny Bear

Busy parents?Bored children?Do you want something educational to entertain your children while you do something else?This popular book is for the under-fives;it contains a lot of funny cartoon pictures.Surely your child will be attracted.

D.Better Cook

If you’ve always wanted to cook,now is your chance to learn.In the book,there are hundreds of simple recipes and you will soon get it step by step.



Believe it or not,the ability to choose is the power to change.If you can choose to live your life differently,will you be the same person?

Well,choosing to do the following few “simple”things will help to change your life.

Review your life.Take time to go through your life and ask yourself, “If I do the same thing I do every day,will there be a change?If I want to change,where will my first step be?”

Make careful choices.Choose exactly what you wish to get to live your life;describe and think what you really want

Keep up with chances.Find out about the possibilities and ways that can make you move toward your goals,write them down and see which one suits you most.

Get down to business.Start working on your goals.People may bring you down;you may have difficulties;you will fail and want to give up.But the most important thing is never to give up.

If you try these “simple”things,you will find that success is something for everyone,and you will finally become what you want to be.Remember,success is more than what you hold in your hands;It is something from the heart.

1.How many pieces of advice does the writer give on changing one’s life?

A.Three        B.Four         C.Five        D.Six

2.Once you get down to business,the most important thing is to          .

A.see possibilities    B.set goals    C.ask for help      D.keep on trying

3.The underlined word “it”in the last paragraph refers to            .

A.choice        B.change        C.success         D.life

4.This passage mainly discusses the relationship between           .

A.choice and change               B. power and life

C.choice and difficulties            D.power and success



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