满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Only by imagining and creating ____ a di...

Only by imagining and creating ____ a difference.

A.can make

B.you can make


D.can you make


D 【解析】略

Most of the teachers ______ to visit our school were young ones.


B.to invite

C.being invited

D.had been invited



—Do you like rock music , Ann ?

— ________ . It’s too noisy to me .

A.I like it very much .

B.I don’t get very excited about it .

C.I don’t know much about it .

D.It’s my favourite .




1.拆开 _________________




5.处理,安排 _________ 


7.灭亡,逐渐消亡 ________












1.Don't be late for your i__________, or you won't get the job.

2.She a__________ that she had stolen the bicycle.

3.Man should protect w__________ for his own existence.

4.Tom works so hard, so he will s_________ sooner or later.

5.In English learning, you should a______ the importance to memory.

6.We will buy some new flowers to r_________the old ones in the room.

7.Dave didn’t r_______to any of her emails,which made her angry.

8. If you want to sell your old furniture, why not put an a ______in the local newspaper.

9.It is a rule that our baggage should be i____________by customs officers.

10.C______ among middle school students to enter the best colleges is intense (激烈的).



How Women Were Freed From Their Homes

As late as 1800, a woman's only place was in her home. Women in business were unheard of. No respectable woman would dream of entering what was strictly a “man’s world”. Even if she would, what could she do? Men were sure that no woman could do a job well outside her home. This was a widely accepted idea. When the famous Bronte sisters began writing books in 1846, they had to resort to using men’s names as aliases.

Teaching was the first profession opened to women, soon after 1800. But even that was not easy for women to take because most high schools and colleges were open only to men. Oberlin College in Ohio was the first college in America to take in women.

Nursing was regarded as a respectable profession for women only after Florence Nightingale won high credit for her nursing career and became famous. Miss Nightingale opened the first training school for nursing in 1860 in England.

The invention of typewriters in 1867 helped to bring women out of their homes to join the business world. Because women are careful and have nimble fingers, businessmen found that they were well suited to this kind of work.

By 1890, tens of thousands of women were working in schools, hospitals, shops, offices, and factories both in England and the States. Some even managed to become doctors or lawyers. The idea of women working in business and other circles was accepted.

1.Oberlin College was the first college in America _______.

A.where teaching was a profession only open to women

B.where girls could get advanced education

C.to train women to be teachers and nurses

D.to accept women only as professors and students

2. It can be inferred from the text that besides nursing, Florence Nightingale was also ______.

A.a doctor

B.a lawyer

C.a teacher

D.a businessman

3.Quite a lot of women entered the business world _______

A.soon after 1800

B.when Nightingale became famous

C.at the beginning of this century

D.after the typewriter came into being



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