满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.        Tommy has the basic knowledge of American literature. He wants to take a course which can help him read more famous works about American literature.

2.        Kate likes to read literature works and she has many opinions after reading, but she doesn’t know how to express her idea properly.

3.        Jerry wants to write some articles to show the significance of researching literature today. He is looking for a course which can help him.

4.         Helen wants to become a famous writer in the future. She is eager to take a course which can help her realize her dream.

5.        Peter was ill last term and missed a lot of lessons in American literature. He wants to take a course which can give him an outline of it.

A.American Comments

The course is a study of how to write literature comments through some vivid examples. We believe that practice makes perfect. Only by following our examples can you acquire your ability on literature comments.

B.Works of Some Famous American Writers

Works of Some Famous American Writers show us the introductions to eleven famous writers and their works and also give us some comments on the works.

C.Detailed Reading of American Literature

Detailed Reading of American Literature is a course which focuses on some important and moving details in the works of American literature. It will analyse the details.

D.Story and Plot

It is a course which analyses the setting of the main plots in some famous stories. The aim of this course is to help those who want to become writers in the future.

E.Characters and Life

As you know, literature comes from our life, but it is more than our life. This course will analyse the personalities of some important characters in the world literature, and combine the analysis with our life. It will help us gain wisdom from the characters.

F.A Look at American Literature

A Look at American Literature is a course which gives us a brief outline of American Literature. Our classes are organized in small size and given by professors who are expert in American literature.


1.B 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.F 【解析】略

In the 1960s Professor Bolin predicted that the “greenhouse effect”, caused by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, would lead to important changes in the Earth’s climate. At the time his prediction were regarded as science fiction. But it is now gradually agreed that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will double from 0.03% to 0.06% in the next 50 years and that temperatures worldwide will rise by 2°Celsius.

Although a temperature rise of 2°may not seem significant, the local effects may be much greater: in polar regions a rise of 10°by 2025 is expected and in Northern Europe a rise of 4°. Indeed the first effects were expected to be felt before the end of the 20th century,

But how does the “greenhouse effect”operate and why should such a tiny proportion(比例)of CO2 have such a harmful effect? When living creatures breathe out or when things are burned, CO2 enters the atmosphere. Until recently all of this was absorbed by plants, which converted it back into oxygen.

However, the balance of nature has been disturbed. In power stations, in factories and in our cars, we are burning more and more fossil fuels( coal, oil and natural gas ) and this produces huge quantities of CO2---18 billion tons of it enter the atmosphere every year. Added to this, the destruction of forests means that less CO2 can be converted into oxygen by plants. So, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing every year.

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Professor Bolin’s predictions were taken seriously in the first place

B.Only a small portion of the atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide

C.No changes in climate will become noticeable for 50 years or more

D.The rise in temperature will probably be 2 degrees in every part of the world.

2.The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing every year because       .

A.Carbon dioxide is produced when we breathe

B.Carbon dioxide is produced when we burn things

C.More forests are destroyed and more fossil fuels are burned

D.The global temperature keeps rising

3.The “greenhouse effect”refers to         

A.the problem of the rising global temperature

B.the problem of increasing population worldwide

C.the problem of decreasing population worldwide

D.the problem of air pollution

4.The underlined word“operate”in the third paragraph most probably means“      ”.







Radio, TV, film, and new video technology bring to mind visions of bright, exciting, high-paying careers. Many young people are attracted to wonder: Is there a place for me in the broadcast media field?

People in the business warn that the road to a successful broadcast media career can be very rocky. They point out that getting started in the field is often difficult. To begin with, competition for most broadcast jobs can be fierce. Then, once on the job, the pressure is often big. Many jobs in broadcasting require long working hours, including nights and weekends. In most cases, the salaries are not very high.

What can you do to prepare for a career in broadcast media? Getting some kind of broadcasting experience during high school or college can be extremely important. Because the field is so popular, many employers are in a position to select beginners with developed skills.

You can start by becoming familiar with media while still in high school. If there is a media resource department in your school, volunteer to do anything. If there is no media department, take photos of games and social events. Work on the drama productions or write for the school newspaper.

Many beginners in broadcasting start at small local radio or TV stations. Such stations are usually more willing than the networks to take on people with little or no experience. Here, you have a chance to be involved in many aspects of the broadcast industry and get trained on the job.

1.According to the writer, jobs with the TV networks ________.

A.require experience with local stations

B.are harder to find than jobs with local stations

C.are learned through training programs

D.pay high salaries

2.What is the result of the high demand for jobs in broadcasting?

A.Applicants(申请者) with experience are preferred.

B.There are fewer jobs.

C.Training programs are limited.

D.Higher pay is being offered.

3. A student who follows the advice in the article would ________.

A.start broadcasting

B.give up broadcasting

C.gain experience

D.choose a special skill



Here in the hills were buffaloes (野牛). I had even, in my very young days — when I could not live till I had killed one of each kind of African animal — shot a bull out there. Later on, when I was not so interested to shoot as to watch the wild animals, I had been out to see them again. But twice I had to go back without success.

But one afternoon as I was having tea with some friends outside the house, Denys came flying from Nairobi and went over our heads westwards; a little while after he turned and came back and landed on the farm. I drove down to the plane to bring him back, but he would not get out of his plane.

“The buffaloes are out feeding in the hills,” he said, “come out and have a look at them.”

“I cannot come,” I said. “I have got a tea-party up at the house.”

“But we will go and see them and be back in a quarter of an hour,” he said.

This sounded to me like the suggestions which people make to you in a dream. So I went up with him. It did not take us long to see the buffaloes from the air; we counted them as they peacefully mixed and separated on the open ground closed in by bushes. There was one very old big black bull, and a number of young ones; if a stranger had come near to them they would have heard or smelt him at once, but they were not prepared for something from the air. They heard the noise of our machine and stopped feeding, but they did not seem to be able to look up. In the end they realized that something very strange was about; the old bull first walked out in front of the others. Suddenly he began to go down the valley side and after a moment he broke into a run. The whole group now followed him, rushing hurriedly down into the buses. In a small wood of low trees they stopped and kept close together. Here they believed themselves to be out of sight. We flew up and away. It was like having been taken there by a secret unknown route.

When I came back to my tea-party the teapot on the stone was still so hot that I burned my fingers on it.

1.The writer drove to the plane ________.

A.to pick Denys up and take him back to the tea-party

B.to have a talk with Denys

C.to do some repairs for Denys

D.because they wanted to go up in the plane

2. Denys said it would only take a quarter of an hour to go and see the buffaloes ________.

A.but it took much longer than that

B.and he was right

C.if they went by a secret route

D.but it wasn’t a serious suggestion

3.When the buffaloes heard the noise of the plane, they ________.

A.looked up at it

B.ran away immediately

C.continued feeding

D.were uncertain what to do




Five years ago, when it was time for my cousin to start college, my 75-year-old grandfather, Rex, decided to do the same. He went to    1 , taking classes twice a week until his death last summer.

As a student, my grandfather spent countless hours in his office   2    and completing assignments. Although he was twice as    3     as his professors, he loved going. He said,“You can never  4    too much, no matter how old you are.”He loved everything about school. Learning new things was truly his passion.

My grandfather’s will to learn was a great   5    for me to do my best in school. We were always     6    with each other, trying to bring home the better grade.

When he turned 80 and still had a full head of hair, my grandfather felt like he could take on the       7   . He felt like he could beat the unstoppable no matter what came in his way---whether it was his continuing with cancer     8  a tough professor.

Some people look to Superman or Batman as their   9   , but my grandfather will forever be my hero, the      10   who always came to my rescue. My grandfather was made the hall of fame(名人堂) at his high school as one of the school’s most successful football players. When I did some research I   11 that his nickname was Atlas. In Greek mythology(神话), Atlas held the heavens on his shoulders. For my grandfather’s football team, he was  12 Atlas, holding the team together. He was my Atlas too, as the foundation of our family.

In my times of need he was always there to    13     me and celebrate my accomplishments. I could count on him to help me out and stand by me. The strength he  14    with me will continue to hold me up as I forever keep his memory    15   in my heart and mind.




























































































The writer ___ his writing so that he forgot to have his lunch.


B.was absorbed into

C.absorbed into

D.was absorbed in



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