满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My chance came at last. Our school was g...

My chance came at last. Our school was going to hold a sports meet. I knew what it   21   to me so I got up very early to prepare for it. I  22   running and jumping. When I was   23 , I reminded myself of my promise and went on.

  24   the time came nearer, I felt quite   25  . On the first day I came fourth in the 1500m   26   but I was far from   27   because what I wanted most was the highlight of the sports meeting—250x8 relay race. I would run the last leg for my team.

With a shot, the race began. All the students were   28   for their team. The competition was so   29   that I began to feel nervous. Before my turn came, my team was   30   the others. Even worse, I almost dropped the stick when I was trying to   31   it.

  32  after that, there was nothing in my mind except to run as fast as possible. Just when I was approaching the finish line, my legs   33  . Then my promise came to mind again and   34   me to go on. To my surprise, I was the first to   35  the finish line!

  36  , I had proved to myself and those who had often laughed at me that I am not   37   at all! My classmates greeted me warmly and I hugged them tightly. I had won the prize as well as their   38  .

From the sports meeting, I learnt that sometimes things are not so difficult as they   39   to be. Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the   40  .

1. A. mattered          B. held             C. meant                D. brought

2.A. exercised          B. practiced            C. chose                D. tried

3.A. tired              B. upset                C. lazy             D. happy

4.A. For                B. By               C. With             D. As

5.A. confident          B. worried          C. proud                D. nervous

6.A. run                B. jump             C. race             D. match

7. A. happy             B. sad              C. excited          D. pleased

8.A. heading                B. racing               C. cheering         D. shouting

9.A. difficult              B. close                C. heated               D. near

10.A. running before        B. leading         C. falling behind    D.catching up with

11.A. fetch             B. hold             C. pass             D. take

12.A. Then              B. But              C. Thus             D. Even

13.A. gave in               B. gave out         C. gave up          D. gave away

14.A. had               B. made             C. let              D. got

15.A. draw              B. cut              C. cross                D. catch

16.A. At last               B. After all            C. Above all            D. As a result

17.A. bad               B. weak             C. slow             D. strong

18.A. congratulations       B. respect              C. support          D. pride

19.A. seem              B. hope             C. look             D. expect

20. A. beginning            B. place                C. result               D. time


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】略

—Thank you for giving us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Ms. Wang.


A. Oh. I’m afraid I didn’t cook very well.          B. I’m glad you enjoy it.

C. Come again when you are free.                D. It’s not polite of you to say so.



Iraq has __________ too many wars since 1990, making his people __________ a lot.

A. got through; pay                      B. looked through; face

C. gone through; suffer     D. passed through; destroy



I could tell he was surprised from the ________ on his face.

A. appearance   B. view    C. sight         D. expression



--- Has Mary come back yet?

 --- Yes. She has got many books from her elder schoolmates, and the number  ___ 1000.

A. adds up          B. adds up to       C. add to       D. add up to



"Will you _______ us in the discussion ", she asked us.

  A join in       B join        C take part in         D take part



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