满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--I’ve studied growing plants as one of ...

--I’ve studied growing plants as one of my interests. Could I make some suggestions?

-- ______.

  A. You will make it.      B. Go right ahead.      C. Don’t mention it     D. Take it easy


B 【解析】略

It’s Steven Jobs that _______ the idea of iphone and ipad.

A. put out  B. put off          C. put forward          D. put down



My 6-year-old daughter went to the dentist’s nervously, but the smiling doctor put her __ in no time.

A. with ease    B. in ease  C. at ease              D. for ease



He was down all evening, but as soon as his girl friend came in he _____.

A. came to life         B. was free of charge        C. knocked into        D. got close to



_____ to sunlight for three days during sports meeting, everybody got a little sunburnt.

A. To expose        B. Being exposed             C. Exposing             D. Exposed



The cheater managed to cheat Lisa by ______ her into thinking he was rich at first.

A. misreading       B. misunderstanding    C. misleading         D. misfitting



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