满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Would you please keep silent? The weathe...

Would you please keep silent? The weather report ________  and I want to listen to it.

A. is broadcast   B. has been broadcast   C. is being broadcast   D. had been broadcast


C 【解析】略

In the past few years, so many areas throughout the world have been hit by such destructive earthquakes, snowstorms and tsunamis ________ we have never experienced before, ________ makes us worried a lot about nature disasters.

A. that; that     B. as; which      C. which; it     D. when; as



I don’t think it is __________taking the trouble to explain the question to him.

A. worth     B. worthy      C. worth of     D. worthwhile



With trees and grass__________39.6% of the urban area,the city has taken on a new look.

A.covering         B.covered    C.to be covered       D.being covered



The elderly _________ good care of in public places like supermarkets and airports; they are likely to get lost.

A. can have been taken    B. ought to be taking    C. must be taken   D. should take



Susan, _______ university student from Europe, teaches me _________ art in her spare time.

A. an; /        B. a; the           C. an; the          D. a; /



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