满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

According to the statistics,young driver...

According to the statistics,young drivers are more ________to have accidents than older drivers.

A.likely        B.curious     C.probable     D.possible


A 【解析】略

Would you please keep silent? The weather report ________  and I want to listen to it.

A. is broadcast   B. has been broadcast   C. is being broadcast   D. had been broadcast



In the past few years, so many areas throughout the world have been hit by such destructive earthquakes, snowstorms and tsunamis ________ we have never experienced before, ________ makes us worried a lot about nature disasters.

A. that; that     B. as; which      C. which; it     D. when; as



I don’t think it is __________taking the trouble to explain the question to him.

A. worth     B. worthy      C. worth of     D. worthwhile



With trees and grass__________39.6% of the urban area,the city has taken on a new look.

A.covering         B.covered    C.to be covered       D.being covered



The elderly _________ good care of in public places like supermarkets and airports; they are likely to get lost.

A. can have been taken    B. ought to be taking    C. must be taken   D. should take



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