满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Think twice before you others’ cheating ...

Think twice before you         others’ cheating in the exam, because you are not going to help but indeed to kill their motivation for study.

    A. consist in           B. lie in               C. assist in            D. result in


C 【解析】略

I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn’t want to         too much of your time.

    A. take up          B. speed up         C. sweep up         D. bring up



She managed to be back on her feet and,               , continued to look upon life as a positive experience.

    A. to her surprise      B. to her credit            C. to her knowledge D. to her face



        to the conference, we have already discussed this problem among ourselves.

    A. Similar          B. Previous         C. Cautious         D. Senior



As a young singer, she tries a completely new         to the classic song, only to earn a lot of criticism.

    A. approach         B. adjustment           C. addiction            D. adventure



Who was it that deserved the         for what happened to the little girl, the careless driver or the cold-blooded walkers-by?

    A. blame                B. suspect          C. cure             D. settlement



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