满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When Mike told me he was leaving I felt ...

When Mike told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which had just broken. There were pieces of me all over the tidy floor. He kept talking, telling me why he was leaving,   31   it was for the best, I could do better, it was his   32   and not mine. I had heard it before many times and yet somehow was still hurt; perhaps one cannot   33   such pain.

He left and I tried to   34   my life. I filled the kettle (水壶), put it on to boil, took out my old red cup and   35   the coffee powder falling into the bone china. Somehow when the kettle piped its finishing warning, I   36   not to hear it. That’s what Mike’s leaving had been like, sudden and with a(n)   37   end. I would rather just   38   in uncertainty than have things finished. I laughed at myself. Just about a cup of coffee, I must be getting   39  .

And yet it was a young woman who   40   back at me from the mirror, a young woman full of   41   and hope, a young woman with bright eyes just waiting to see the world.  42  , there are more important things. More important than   43  , I insist to myself firmly. The lid goes back on the coffee just like closing on the whole Mike experience.

He didn’t   44   my dreams as I feared that night.   45  , I am flying far across fields and woods,   46   on those below me. I fly free until I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony. I realize with some   47   that there is a bird out there for me, there is another person, not necessarily a lover perhaps just a   48  , but there is someone out there who is my soul mate. I think about being a broken   49   again and realize that I have gathered myself back together, what Mike has is   50   a little part of my time in earth, a little understanding of my physical being. He has merely, a little piece of me.



A. complaining

B. suggesting

C. explaining

D. whispering


A. business

B. fault

C. luck

D. reason


A. pass

B. defend

C. feel

D. ease


A. get close to

B. get on with

C. get away with

D. get down to


A. watched

B. made

C. let

D. wanted


A. announced

B. decided

C. pretended

D. concluded


A. optimistic

B. sceptical

C. splendid

D. unpleasant


A. wander

B. move

C. keep

D. take


A. mad

B. old

C. nervous

D. uncertain


A. flashed

B. swung

C. stared

D. pointed


A. promise

B. delight

C. dilemmas

D. conflicts


A. Therefore

B. Besides

C. Finally

D. Constantly


A. friendship

B. life

C. love

D. health


A. visit

B. have

C. reject

D. spin


A. Deliberately

B. Meanwhile

C. Thus

D. Instead


A. taking off

B. looking down

C. breaking away

D. getting over


A. sorrow

B. worry

C. relief

D. doubt


A. friend

B. bird

C. dream

D. job


A. heart

B. vase

C. mirror

D. cup


A. mostly

B. hardly

C. usually

D. only



 C  B  D  B  A  C  D  A  B  C  A  B  C  A  D  B  C  A  B  D 【解析】略

Think twice before you         others’ cheating in the exam, because you are not going to help but indeed to kill their motivation for study.

    A. consist in           B. lie in               C. assist in            D. result in



I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn’t want to         too much of your time.

    A. take up          B. speed up         C. sweep up         D. bring up



She managed to be back on her feet and,               , continued to look upon life as a positive experience.

    A. to her surprise      B. to her credit            C. to her knowledge D. to her face



        to the conference, we have already discussed this problem among ourselves.

    A. Similar          B. Previous         C. Cautious         D. Senior



As a young singer, she tries a completely new         to the classic song, only to earn a lot of criticism.

    A. approach         B. adjustment           C. addiction            D. adventure



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