满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Why do you want to work for our compan...

 —Why do you want to work for our company?

   —This is the job that I ______for.

A. looked           B. am to look       C. had looked   D. have been looking


D 【解析】略

 To tell _____ truth, it is ______ struggle for Jack to get ready in such a short time.

    A. the; real a      B. a; a real    C. the; really a        D. a, a really



作为国内最受欢迎的选秀节目(talent show)之一,最近“快乐女声”被上级部门(authority)指责违规超时。对此,湖南卫视(Hunan Satellite Television)声称明年将不会再举办此类的人气选秀节目。作为一名此类节目的支持者,请你给当权者写一封信,劝说有关部门收回成命。

要求:1. 根据提示写一封劝说信,给出自己的理由。

      2. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数。

      3. 字数100左右。

Dear administrator,

    I’m writing to persuade you to reconsider the order that Hunan Satellite Television be forbidden to hold such talent shows as Super Girl.




    Looking forward to your reply.


                                                            A devoted audience




1.The relatives of the victims in the earthquake asked for £43 million from the seven experts

                  (被指控) failing to give enough warning about the disaster.     (accuse)

2.It was on the day before the press conference                                    (他们安排作家) to meet a number of readers.                                    (arrange)

3.                       (系牢安全带) or your next sleep will be the last one.   (keep)

4.Sometimes you are too proud because you do not want your parents               (赞同) what you do as if you were an underdog.                                    (approve)

5.All my efforts                    (非常集中于) the hard task that I wasn’t able to spare any time for other jobs.                                                 (concentrate)

6.The online research-based study demands that a report of at least 300 words              

         (要完成) by each student, or they shall not get the credit.            (accomplish)

7.Angry fans argue that seldom                   (球队获胜) a match so far and that they can hardly tolerate their awful performance any more.                            (win)

8.                    (这部电影吸引我的是) was not the poor story plot but the amazing vision effect on 3-D screens.                                       (attract)

9.                  (背弃) on the food safety rules, the greedy merchants should add “gutter oil” to people's food, which dirties China's food reality.                      (turn)

10.You cannot be too careful, because the more enthusiastic the stranger appears,             

 (越有可能) he is to take you in.                                              (likely)



第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

1. It’s cheaper if you book the tickets in a      .

2. I wasn’t sure if I could h      such a powerful car.

3.She g      us through the busy streets to the cathedral.

4.The writer personally c       $5,000 to the earthquake fund.

5. Police suspect there may be a l      between the two murders.

6.He         (折叠) the map up and put it in his pocket.

7. Just for an         (瞬间) I thought he was going to refuse.

8. I’m afraid getting things changed will be a slow          (过程).

9.Daytime temperatures vary between minus 5°and         (零上) 12°.

10. The competition attracted over 500 contestants          (代表) 8 different countries.



I love science and science fiction. Like many science fiction fans, I am fascinated by the possibility of time travel. However, one must combine romance with reasoning and look into the chances of time travel critically.

First of all, we must remember the whole universe is in motion. If we want to go back to yesterday, our "time machine" has to move back in time and space. If someone claimed he was at home when he suddenly travelled 200 years back in time, he either had an illusion or made the story up. Two hundred years ago, Earth was in a different place in space, so how can you travel back 200 years without moving in space? Don't get me wrong. I am not knocking the genius of science fiction writers. H.G. Wells's "The Time Machine" is a great work of fiction, but that’s all. I have read many other time travelling science fiction stories since reading H.G. Wells, but none address this problem of displacement.

My own argument for the impossibility of time travel is that physical states of the past no longer exist and those of the future are not here yet. To be able to move back and forth in time requires everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen everywhere in the whole universe at every single moment in time-past, present, and future-to be stored as a "reality" somewhere-like the save game file of a computer game that contains every single byte of information of the game at the point it was saved, but you would need an almost extremely large file and almost extremely many of them-so it can be re-entered and communicated with, and not just light signals for viewing. To me, I don’t buy it.

1.Which of the following can be the best title?

    A. How to make time travel possible?

    B. Why am I fascinated by time travel?

    C. Why do I think time travel is not possible?

    D. How to explain the possibility of time travel?

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “illusion”?

    A. success          B. dream                C. switch               D. support

3. According to the author, which of the following is RIGHT?

    A. We can go back to the past by time travel.

    B. People can travel to the future by moving in space.

C. “The Time Machine” is nothing more than a science fiction.

    D. Everything that happened, is happening and will happen can be stored somewhere.

4.In the author’s opinion, time travel might be possible if                            .

    A. people could combine romance with reasoning

    B. people could stop the movement of the whole universe

C. people could use time machine under the instruction of H.G. Wells

    D. people could “save” everything in the past, present and future in a certain space



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