满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As a war reporter, Jenny went through a ...

As a war reporter, Jenny went through a lot of adventurous __________, which contributed to her rich _______ in her job.

A. experience; experience                       B. experiences; experience 

C. experience; experiences                  D. experiences; experiences


B 【解析】略

As a student, you must ______ your teachers.

A. show respect for     B. have respect to  C. show respects for    D. have respects to



Although your son made some mistakes, he worked hard at his lessons. You shouldn’t be hard ______ him.

    A. in               B. at                   C. on               D. for



 —Why do you want to work for our company?

   —This is the job that I ______for.

A. looked           B. am to look       C. had looked   D. have been looking



 To tell _____ truth, it is ______ struggle for Jack to get ready in such a short time.

    A. the; real a      B. a; a real    C. the; really a        D. a, a really



作为国内最受欢迎的选秀节目(talent show)之一,最近“快乐女声”被上级部门(authority)指责违规超时。对此,湖南卫视(Hunan Satellite Television)声称明年将不会再举办此类的人气选秀节目。作为一名此类节目的支持者,请你给当权者写一封信,劝说有关部门收回成命。

要求:1. 根据提示写一封劝说信,给出自己的理由。

      2. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数。

      3. 字数100左右。

Dear administrator,

    I’m writing to persuade you to reconsider the order that Hunan Satellite Television be forbidden to hold such talent shows as Super Girl.




    Looking forward to your reply.


                                                            A devoted audience



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