满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Now that their parents are dead, the po...

 Now that their parents are dead, the poor boy doesn’t know ________ the money they left.

A. how to do with       B. what to do with  C. to do what with      D. how he will do with


B 【解析】略

It is said that the World Golf Championships (世界高尔夫球锦标赛) to be held in Shanghai will be ______ on TV.

A. broadcast alive      B. broadcasting live    C. broadcast live       D. broadcasting alive



Is this research centre _____ is full of modern equipment you always mention.

    A. where    B. that             C. the one that         D. the one where



What _______ it will be when you _______ on the white sand in the warm sun!

A. funny; lie           B. fun; lie     C. a fun; lie           D. funny; lay



The person who is _______ of the factory _______ ill since last week.

A. in charge; has been                      B. in the charge; has fallen

 C. taking charge; was                      D. in charge; fell



The most important thing ______ we should consider is the first idea _____ he has talked about in the speech.

A. which; that          B. that; which      C. which; which     D. that; that



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