满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—I left my handbag on the train, but luc...

—I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.

—How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone ______ it.

A. will have stolen  B. might have stolen    C. should have stolen   D. must have stolen


B 【解析】略

Mother ______ him not to smoke, but he wouldn’t listen.

A. persuaded        B. suggested         C. advised          D. hoped



______ more and more trees cut down, many animals and insects are dying out.

A. Because         B. With             C. As               D. Since



Could it be in the place ______ we visited yesterday ______ you left your book?

A. that; which       B. in which; where    C. where; that       D. that; that



Although the number of competitors ___ limited, a number of our classmates ___ eager to take part in it.

A. are; are          B. are; is           C. is; are            D. is; is



We don’t need to do ___ extra work this evening. The day’s work was almost at ____ end now.

A. / ; an           B. an; an            C. the; the          D. the; /



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