满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Everyone can remember the things and the...

Everyone can remember the things and the people ______made them deeply moved during the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province

A. who    B. which      C. /      D. that


D 【解析】略

The number of people who________ killed in the earthquake ______4000.

A. was; were    B .were; was    C. were; were   D .was; was



The teachers insisted that the student ______wrong and that he _______

A .was; punished             B .was; be punished 

C. should be; was punished     D .is; should punish



He always holds a positive attitude _________ anything.

A .with   B to    C .for   D. on




1.That is amazing that such an old man can climb a 1000-meter-high mountain.

2.On the another hand, the Chinese paintings will take a longer time to learn than oil paintings.

3.If I am you, I would work in a small mountain village.

4.Once you get into trouble, don't be nervous; that is, take easy.

5. After being ill for 10 days, Mary is finally back on her foot again.




1.There is           (没完没了的) work to do when you have children in the house.

2.It was a             (巧合)that he was born on his mother's birthday.

3.Tang poems have been            into many other languages.

4.Those between 16 and 18 are             (青少年).

5.The girls ran to see the famous star in the f      .



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