满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“I usually put my mobile phone in my bag...

“I usually put my mobile phone in my bag, and I often feel like it is ringing when there actually is no phone call. Now I always want to keep it in my hand, being afraid that I might miss important calls or messages,” Miss Liu tells her doctor.

Miss Gu, a news worker, has to take her mobile phone with her all the time so as not to miss any calls from her office or readers. Gradually, she started to experience a great “panic” about her mobile phone. “Every night when I’m about to fall asleep, I often wake up with a start, feeling that my phone is ringing. Although I’m sure that I have turned it off, I still feel that it is ringing, clearly.”

The above phenomenon is what we call “mobile-phone acouasm (幻听)”. The mobile phone has now become a “new organ” in a white collar’s daily life, and “mobile-phone acouasm” has become a common phenomenon among office workers.

According to a report of China Youth Daily, “mobile-phone acouasm ” most likely results from people’s dependency on hi-tech products. It is associated with certain professions, such as salesmen, consultants and journalists. They use mobile phones almost continuously.

Constantly being in the “stand-by” mode, the strong psychological tension gives them acouasm. Meanwhile, a large number of this year’s graduates are joining the family of acouasm suffers due to the hard job-hunting experience.

“You know that the rings are not from your phone, but you always take it out and have a look. This is subconscious (潜意识) from your body sending you a signal, telling you that you must take a break to reduce your pressure,” Professor Sun Li from Huadong Normal University explains.

There are many ways to solve the problem. The professor says that the key is to deal with pressure from work. “This is just a kind of self-protection”; the most important thing is to find out the source of your pressure. And then take part in some activities that are not related to your work. You can do anything that can relax your body and mind.

1. According to the passage the phrase “mobile-phone acouasm” refers to           .

A. people’s being addicted to mobile phones

B. people’s feeling the unreal phone rings

C. mobile phones’ going wrong frequently

D. mobile phones’ disturbing people constantly

2.How does “mobile-phone acouasm ” come about ? 

A. Some mobile phones are in poor quality.

B. Some people develop the dependency on mobile phones.

C. Some people listen to the music on mobile phones too much.

D. Something is wrong with some people’s hearing.

3.What kind of people are more likely to suffer from “mobile-phone acouasm” ?

A. Those who use mobile phones too often.

B. Those who like mobile phones very much.

C. Those who lead a busy life.

D. Those who lead a free life.

4.What is the most important measure to deal with “mobile-phone acouasm ” ? 

A. To buy a mobile phone of good quality.

B. To turn off your mobile phone.

C. To get rid of pressure from work.

D. To have your ears examined regularly.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】略

One of the most famous nursery rhymes(摇篮曲) in the English language is Mary Had a Little Lamb(羔羊). It has touched many children who have read it. It is about the deep love between a young girl and her pet lamb. The poem is from a true story that happened in the early part of the 19th century in the town of Sterling, Massachusetts, in the USA.

Mary Sawyer (1806-1889) lived on a farm with her family. One day, when she was about nine years old, she saw a little lamb that had just been born and left behind by its mother. It was very weak and looked as if it would die at very moment. Mary took pity on the lamb and spent the whole night looking after it. Eventually, it grew strong and became a very close friend with Mary, following her everywhere she went.

One day, the lamb even followed Mary to school. At first she wanted to turn it back but her brother suggested that it would be fun to take the lamb to school. During the class, she hid the lamb under her desk. But when she was called to go to the front of the class, to her surprise, the lamb followed her. Though the students and the teacher thought it was funny to see a lamb at school, the teacher had to ask Mary to keep the lamb outside of the school.

That very day, a young man called John Roulstone was visiting Mary’s school. He was so moved by the love between the child and her little pet lamb that he wrote a poem which he handed to Mary the next day. His poem contained twelve lines.

Later, Sara Josepha Hale added another twelve lines to the poem and published it in 1930 under the title “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. The poem has become a classic, loved by children all over the world. The appeal (吸引力) of the poem lies not only in the funny idea of a sheep going to school but also in the true love between the little girl and her pet. The town of Sterling has honoured Mary’s lamb by building a statue (雕像) of the lamb with Mr Roulstone’s poem below the statue.

1.The underlined word “eventually” in the second paragraph most probably means         .

A. fortunately          B. gradually          C. finally             D. kindly

2. Why did the poem become a classic?

A. It had another twelve lines added.

B. It was written by a young man.

C. It describes the true love between a little girl and her pet lamb.

D. A statue of lamb was built in the town of Sterling.

3.Which could be the right order of the following events according to the passage?

a. The poem “Mary Had a Little Lamb” became popular.

b. Mary’s brother suggested that she take the lamb to school.

c. People built a statue to honor the lamb.

d. Mary found a little lamb.

e. A young man was moved by the story and wrote a poem.

A.  d. b. e. c. a           B.  d. b. e. a. c

C.  d. e. b. c. a                D.  d. e. b. a. c

4.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A. Mary’s mother was also fond of the little lamb.

B. Mary and the little lamb developed a very close friendship.

C. Mary wrote to John Roulstone and asked him to write the poem.

D. All children were allowed to take their pets to school in America.



As the big weekend approaches, my feelings about you and your marriage are personal and it's more   36   to me that you realize how much I love you and how   37   I am of the amazing woman you have become.

My memory for details is terrible,   38   my memory for how   39   you were as a child is vivid. I loved tossing (轻扔) you   40   in the air in the pool in Marine, and reading   41   books on the floor of the Denver book store with you on my knees.  

When I think of you as an adult, it is your   42   that has led you to your vegetarian lifestyle. It is your heart that helps you care for family and friends   43  . For these   44   I have selected three hearts that are this dad's gift to his   45   to marry daughter.

One heart is a small golden box with a   46   of you and me together. It will   47   you that of the men in your life I loved you   48   and will always love you forever and ever.

The second heart is made of jade (玉) and has the Chinese character "Fu". Jade represents luck and "Fu" means   49  . Maria and I want your life to be filled with   50  .

The third heart is just pretty and represents your   51  , inside and   52   kind. You are a wonderful, loving   53   from God, a beautiful human being. So we are delighted that you are entering this exciting part of your life.

Finally, the wedding (婚姻) will be amazing. I can't wait to see you walk down in your beautiful dress. And I can't wait to dance with you in   54  . My hope is that the event and the whole weekend will bring   55   memories.

This from your devoted and proud...Dad

1.A. important      B. difficult            C. surprising           D. appropriate

2.A. pride          B. proud                C. afraid               D. aware

3. A. and           B  so               C. but              D. otherwise

4.A. troublesome        B. precious         C. little               D. hardly

5. A. hard          B. deep             C. high             D. carelessly

6.A. philosophy     B. scientific           C. maths                D. kids

7.A. mind           B. virtue               C. character            D. heart

8.A. in need            B. in short         C. in detail            D. in danger

9.A. purposes       B. people               C. reasons          D. occasions

10.A. never         B. ever             C. soon             D. fortunately

11. A. diary            B. picture              C. book             D. ring

12.A. inform            B. equip                C. remind               D. mind

13.A. first         B. last             C. more             D. least

14.A. wealth            B. power                C. beauty               D. happiness

15.A. it                B. both             C. all              D. that

16.A. behavior      B. shape                C. beauty               D. body 

17.A. deep          B. furthest         C. out              D. top

18.A. human         B. gift             C. message          D. punishment

19.A. celebration       B. festival         C. holiday          D. agreement

20.A. short         B. lasting              C. old              D. strange



--- Let’s hurry, Mum!

   --- Take it easy, my dear! The shop          open till ten o’clock on Saturdays.

A.is staying   B.stays    C.is stayed    D.had stayed



A lot of modern teaching equipment which will improve the school conditions to a large extent _______ to ten Hope Schools in South China.

A.were sent    B.was sent C.have sent    D.had been sent



Much as I have travelled, I have never seen ______ man like him.

A. the most humorous    B. a most humorous  C. a more humorous  D. a humorous



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